Chapter Ten

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This part has been edited - please point out any mistakes - 02/01/2015

Chapter Ten

Destiny’s P.O.V.

As I started coming too I felt a presence right next to me leaning down ready to touch me. I kept my eyes closed while I remembered what had happened. Great I’m a S.H.I.E.L.D prisoner.

I opened my eyes and I saw Loki leaning over me ready to touch my neck. I made my left hand catch fire and I held it up towards Loki’s neck.

Loki immediately backed off and said “I mean no harm I was just seeing if you were alive.”

I hissed “If I wasn’t alive I wouldn’t be in here genius.”

I expected a response from him on that little outburst of mine but nothing. I guessed he knew that I’d be extremely annoyed that I’ve been captured. I knew I was not going to be able to talk to Tom again. I already missed him at that point.

Loki asked “Why were you caught?”

I replied in an extremely unimpressed voice “I passed out not that long after I knocked you unconscious.”

Loki asked “How far did you get?”

I replied in the same voice “I didn’t get anywhere S.H.I.E.L.D had already surrounded us and the Avengers had as well.”

Loki nodded then went and sat on his bed. I sat up and shoved my legs over the side of my bed. My head pounds so I hold it.

Loki looked at me then asked “Are you alright?”

I asked in an angry voice “Why would you care?”

Loki looked hurt but sighed “I shouldn’t really since you’ve given me a dislocated shoulder but I don’t really think it’s a good idea for us to be fighting in here.”

I asked “And why would that be?”

Loki smiled “Stark wants us to fight he thinks it will serve him some entertainment.”

I hissed “That sounds like him alright.”

I looked down at my leg that had been put in a cast. I moaned and flopped back onto my bed. Loki looked at me in confusement but I flung some flame his way making him jump and look away. He was going to have to get used to that whether he liked it or not otherwise we would have been fighting in there. I wanted out already but then that isn’t surprising. Stupid small round container room it was a good thing that I was not claustrophobic. I wondered if this was designed for the Hulk. It probably was.

I sat up again and looked out of all the glass windows. Once satisfied with looking at the surroundings outside I flopped back onto the bed. The bed was surprisingly comfy I wouldn’t have thought that Fury would have wanted me and Loki having nice comfy beds but then I guess we would have been staying in there for a while so.

I sat up again then flopped back onto the bed. Loki looked at me again but didn’t say anything.

I know he was still looking at me so I asked “Is there a reason that you are looking at me?”

I sat up again and looked at Loki.

He said “You intrigue me the way you keep sitting up and the lying back down onto the bed… Don’t you feel any pain in your leg?”

I replied still sounding annoyed “I ignore the pain and I’m glad I intrigue someone in this HELL HOLE.”

I hoped someone else like Fury was listening in on our conversation and heard my opinion of this place. Loki laughed and shook his head in amusement he had obviously figured out why I had said the last part louder than I really had to.

Enemy - An Avengers Tribute (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now