The Encounter

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I'm about to go home when I see a large shadow. I'm quickly able to identify it as a ship, a sudden curiosity bubbling inside of me. Drifting a little closer, I'm hesitant to go to close, specifically because Xisuma would NOT be happy if he found out. He'd lecture me again about how I could get myself captured or and experimented on, or even killed.

He might not notice though, and he technically thinks I'm still off somewhere to take a breather. Hoping he won't come looking for me, I make a beeline for the rocks nearest to the ship. Peeking over them, I get a closer view of the boat. It's quite small, probably able to hold 10 or so people. I don't see anyone on it, so I get a little closer, still remaining hidden.

Then I hear joyful laughter, and a young man heads over to the edge of the ship. I duck down a little, before peeking my head up again. He has brownish gold hair, which is thick and messy, falling over his grey-blue eyes. His smile is bright and happy as he laughs, and his laughter itself makes me smile.

His eyes suddenly meet mine, and he jumps back, startled. Someone grabs me by the wrist, pulling me back down beneath the waves again. I'm met with the panicked face of my friend and housemate BDubs. His charcoal grey tail is flicking with a mixture of anger and fear.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?!" BDubs yells, and I smile embarrassedly, face turning red. My friend groans, dragging me along behind him, angrily muttering to himself. I don't really listen, more focused on that boy I saw. He looked at me. He actually looked at me! I feel a light blush on my cheeks. I'd never actually gotten that close to a human before, and now I'm even more curious about them.

"You just wait until I tell Xisuma about this" BDubs grumbles, catching my attention.

"Please don't!" I beg "You know he'll lecture me and never let me come near here again!"

"Good!" BDubs responds "You have your head in the clouds 24/7 and it's gonna get you killed!"

"Please?" I ask, swimming in front of him to block his path. My eyes are full of pleading, and I make a face he can't say no to. That's his one weakness, my pouty face. He tries not to look at me, continuing to swim toward the tiny undersea buildings, but turns back, seeing my face and groaning.

"FINE!" He snaps "But trust me, I won't hesitate next time"

He's cut off my me hugging him tightly, wrapping my shining, copper coloured tail around his as a sign of affection. He sighs again, hugging me back reluctantly. Despite putting up the tough guy image, BDubs is a real softie if you can warm up to him.

"Thanks BDubs"

"Uh... yeah. Let's just go back"

The mere second we're home, Xisuma's on us like the overprotective friend he is.

"Where were you? Are you hurt? Did anyone see you?"

Bdubs, being a much better liar then me, comes up with an excuse.

"Scar didn't know there was a ship, I brought him back. No, we aren't hurt, and nobody saw us"

It's difficult for him to get the last bit out, knowing very well that someone saw me. It'd be fine, the human only saw my eyes and hair, nothing else. Xisuma however, is still a little suspicious.

"How come you were up there so long Scar?" He asks. Bdubs is about to interject, but X hushes him

"Oh... I just got a little carried away in my own thoughts... lost track of time, that kind of thing..."

Xisuma raises an eyebrow

"Um... I might've gone to see your brother on the way up..."

The brunette sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I've told you Scar, that man has a screw loose. He's a rebellious rule breaker, and in my opinion, a bad influence. As much as I love my twin, I'd rather you don't talk to him."

I look at the sand, a little disappointed by that.

"I don't think he's that bad... he had some cool stories to share"

Xisuma rolls his eyes

"Stories of things he shouldn't be doing. Now, stay down here until that ship is gone"

He says the word 'ship' like it's the worst thing in the word, spitting it out in hatred. It makes me flinch, before his expression softens.

"I only want to keep you safe from them Scar. Understand that everything I do is for your own good"

I nod, feeling slightly guilty about the fact I broke his rules and then lied to him. Swimming away, I head to the house I share with Bdubs, laying down on my bed and smiling a little. I'm still going back to the ship at the first chance I get, wanting to see the blond boy again. He doesn't seem bad, the way he smiled and laughed seemed friendly. Cute too...

Wait... cute?!

No no no... he's not cute. Just... attractive? Pretty?

Burying my red face in my pillow, I groan. 

You know what, I'm not even going to think about it. Or him and his eyes and his smile and-


I do think he's cute.

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