Snuggles and Sickness

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Scar's POV

"Pirates?" I repeat

"Yeah, just over there. I wanted to warn you, most pirates aren't like us. They'd gladly capture you and sell you to scientists for money"

"So your suggesting I stay underwater for a while?" I ask, slightly disappointed

"Yeah... I couldn't forgive myself if I let something happen to you Scar"

I look over at the ship. It looks abandoned almost, Grian saying it had been there for hours now. Everything about it seems so ominous compared to the small ship his friends own. Even if I didn't know it was a pirate ship, I'd still avoid it.

"Do you think I should tell my friends?" I ask, turning back to Grian

"Probably, just don't tell them I told you, of course. You've seemed to make it clear they wouldn't be happy with you being here" he responds, laughing slightly. But even his beautiful laughter seems shadowed with fear, his eyes occasionally looking back over at the pirates to see if they've moved yet.

I take Grian's hand in mine, giving him a comforting smile as I let him lean his head on my chest.

"Trust me, you'll be ok. So will I."

Grian nuzzles against my bare chest. I can feel his soft breathing on me, and it makes me blush. A cold breeze blows, and he cuddles closer to me, a smile on his sleepy face. I gently weave my fingers through his tangled blonde hair, humming under my breath. I realise Grian's fallen asleep, and I can't help but smile.

"Grian" I whisper, gently shaking him


"You fell asleep. I can't move"

"So? I wouldn't consider that a bad thing..."

"You don't want me to get in trouble do you?"

"No..." Grian mumbles with a pout, before shifting slightly so that only his head leans against my chest. He giggles softly

"Your tail feels nice" he remarks, gently running a hand along the scales. I don't really mind, so I let him continue, wrapping an arm around him "It's really pretty"

"Thanks... I never really thought about it much"

We sit there in silence for another few minutes, enjoying the silent company of the other, when I turn to Grian.

"You know how you asked me a few questions last time? Do you mind if I ask you some?"

"Um, I guess"

"How come you guys have really long words? Like discoma- disbom-"

I stumble over the word several times, before Grian seems to guess what I mean


"That's what I meant to say. Sorry, that happens a lot. It's like I know what I'm trying to say or read, but my brain just decides to screw it up for me"

"You could be dyslexic"


"Dyslexic. It's a term for people with disorders that involve difficulty in reading, writing and interpreting some words. If you have dyslexia it doesn't mean your less intelligent, it just means your brain is wired a little differently"

"You're probably right, I can relate to that a lot." I say with a shrug "I have another question though, why does it hurt so much if you get hit between the legs?"

"Ahhh... I see you figured that out the hard way?" He asks awkwardly, face going red as I nod "I'll just say that most people are... sensitive there"

"Oh... ok"

Grian yawns, and I smile.

"Cmon sleepyhead, you need rest"

He pouts

"I'm not tired! I'm completely- *yawn* -fine!"

"No you aren't. I need to go anyway"

"Ugh... fiiine"

He gives me one last hug, before standing up and heading back in the direction of the ship. I wave, smiling as I pull myself back into the ocean.

I'm incredibly sleepy myself once I'm home. Everyone else is asleep thankfully, and nobody saw me. Slipping back into my bed, I realise it's already 4:00 in the morning. I had been with Grian much longer then I intended. Not that I'm complaining of course...


I open my eyes to see someone gently shake me awake. It's Xisuma. I panic for a moment, before realising it's morning, and that he doesn't seem angry.

"Scar... there's another ship up there. I don't know if you've seen it or not, but they look like pirat-"

Xisuma stops, exploding into a fit of hacking coughs. Tears appear in the corners of his eyes as he gasps for breath, indicating he's in pain.

"Xisuma are you ok?!" BDubs gasps, sitting up in bed. He doesn't even seem bothered that X's coughing woke him up.

"I'm fine... just not feeling well" he says weakly

I doubt that's the case. Xisuma has a habit of lying about not being ok, usually so he doesn't worry anyone. This makes me even more worried though.

"I need to go. BDubs, there's *cough* another ship up there. This time it's Pirates. Don't go anywhere near the surface, and if you need to breathe just *cough* come to me and I'll show you where to go"

With that, X quickly leaves, looking like he's in even more pain, and struggling to breathe.

BDubs frowns in concern.

"He was lying wasn't he?"

"I think so"

"Do... do you think his brother knows? We might have to tell him."

I raise my eyebrows. BDubs usually avoids Ezra like the plague. But he has a good point, bedsides, I haven't seen him in ages.

"Yeah, we should go when Xisuma's busy later. Maybe we can get Tango or Zed to cover us."

"We? I kinda ment YOU..."

"Oh cmon, have you even met Ezra before?"


"He's fairly nice when you get to know him. It'll do you good to get a change of scenery anyway, you haven't left this village in days."

BDubs crosses his arms, his fin like ears flattening the way they do when he's annoyed or bothered.

"Fine" he grumbles "But don't expect me to get caught in any of your shenanigans"

"Oh, you're definitely getting caught in the shenanigans" I giggle, BDubs frowning as I get up.

"Damn you Scar" he sighs, following me outside.

I roll my eyes playfully, before trying to disguise my growing worry as I see Xisuma coughing again. He's seeming worse by the day, breathing worse and heavier each time I see him, and disappearing off more and more often. I hope Ezra knows what's going on, and hopefully how to fix it. The last thing we need is to loose our Admin and close friend.

I just hope Xisuma will accept our help.

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