The Second Task

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It had a good month since the ball

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It had a good month since the ball. Cedric and Amelia had been getting even closer. They walked to each class together. Cedric had been late a couple times to his classes due to him walking the girl to hers. Amelia had told him he didn't need to walk her every time but he insisted that it be done. They had been to Hogsmade once more and Amelia and Cedric had blast going to the joke shop and getting butterbeer together.

Cedric had never liked a girl as much as he liked Amelia. The school was now warming up to the couple. They gave Amelia smiles through the halls. Kendra and Maxine had been talking to Amelia a bit more then normal but still kept their space most of the time.

Amelia and Cedric have also been studying hard to figure out the clue about the next task. Cedric ultimately figured it out. He submerged the egg under water and listened. It sang a certain song.

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

Cedric quickly wrote down the lyrics that the song had in it and showed Amelia. They concluded that the task meant you had to be underwater for a certain amount of time. The creatures had stolen something that was important to you. They both were clueless what the creature would be stealing. Cedric thought perhaps it would steal his broom since he loved quidditch. He also thought maybe the ring that his father had given him before the start of the year.


"Maybe there is a spell in that one?" Cedric said reaching up to a book on a higher shelf in the library. It was currently the night before the second task. Cedric was nervous and Amelia was trying her best to stay calm for him.

"I'll skim through this one!" Amelia said grabbing a book that read Charms in aquatic life. She opened the book and skimmed through the table of contents. She read through each one and then landed on a chapter that might help them. Charms that may help you dive. She quickly flipped to the chapter and skimmed through it.

She read about the bubble head charm.

No need for heavy equipment or disgusting smells while using this charm. It will supply the witch of wizard with a healthy supply of oxygen. If you are to use to the charm make sure to come back to the air within an hour to get another Healthy supply of oxygen. If you don't do this you may start to feel lightheaded and may pass out leading you to death by drowning.

"Cedric I think I found something!" Amelia said quickly showing the book to the boy. He carefully read the summary of the charm. "That'll work, Millie you're a genius!" Cedric said excitedly picking up the girl and spinning her around. Amelia laughed as the boy spun her around causing a couple people in the library to look at the two.

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