Make A Wish: Part 27

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I was in utter disbelief, looking down at what was in my hands. It seemed unreal, like it wasn't really happening and I was watching a scene from a movie.

The green plus sign was so clear, and everything else was blurry, unimportant at the moment.

And the most unnerving part was.....this was my third time doing this.

I am pregnant.

"Sel? You ok? You've been in there for over an hour!" Bruno calls.

My heartbeat speeds up in my chest and I feel on the verge of tears. How do I tell him? What will he think? Does he want to have a baby? Certainly not right now.....

Before the stone, when he was 29 and living a different life, he had no kids. He wasn't married. He was too busy being Bruno Mars.

"Selina, If you don't tell me you're ok then I will come in there myself." He warns, his voice revealing his worry.

"I....I'm fine." I manage to choke out. "I'll be there in a minute, ok?"

"Alright. But don't forget we need to be at the airport in an hour." Bruno reminds me.

I take a deep breath, thinking back to prom night. That night happened twice for me, and to think it never crossed my mind once to use protection.

Slowly I gather myself and prepare to face the music. I walk out of the bathroom and find Bruno to tell him the news.

"Bruno?" I ask in a small, quiet voice. He turns and faces me.

"There you are." He picks up my chin and kisses me briefly. "You ready for this?" He asks, eyes gleaming with anticipation.

I try my best to look excited and nod. Instantly I decide I'm not ready to tell him yet. I'll tell him at the airport, before we board the plane.

"Then lets go." He says.

We load everything into my moms car and she takes us to the airport.

"Be safe, baby." My mom engulfs me in a tight hug, an I was very grateful for her affection.

"I will mom." I ensure her. She turns to Bruno.

"Take good care of my daughter, Bruno. She deserves the best." She tells him.

"Yes she does." He says honestly, looking at me.

Next my mom gives him a hug as well. "Good luck." She says.

"Thanks, Mrs. G." He smiles. We take our luggage and he grabs my hand, walking away from my mom. Who knows the next time I'll see her again.

Bruno and I endure the agonizing and painful task of maneuvering through the airport. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about what I needed to tell him. Instinctively I keep touching my stomach. It's weird to think there's another life growing inside of me. Just the thought of it makes me queasy.

We walk into the terminal to wait for our flight to be called, and I knew this was my chance to tell Bruno.

Over the intercom they call out our flight number and Bruno stands. "You ready?" He asks me.

I bite my lip and look away. "We need to talk first." I tell him.

"What about?" He asks.

"You might want to sit down for this."

"I prefer to stand."

I sigh. "Fine."

I reach in my pocket and pull out the positive test that was wrapped in toilet paper. I take his hand and push the pregnancy test into his palm. He gives me a weird look before glancing down at what I gave him. As soon as his mind registers what this means his eyes go wide.

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