Chapter 7

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This song suited this chapter for some reason...
Listen to this for better visioning..
(Btw a personal favourite 😀)
Go Haru's POV:
I froze in my seat when he asked me so bluntly..I was dreading the question and closed my eyes tightly.
"Take your time, Go Haru ssi...relax yourself then tell me", I nodded and let a struggled breath.
"It started when I was 10 years old....
Warning.... sensitive content
I was a twin...I had a sister named Ha Ni. I was the 'unwanted' daughter for my mother while my father loved both of us equally. I felt like I was always in the shadow of HaNi . She was very social and popular in our school while I was the ugly half.
My mother bought her good clothes and whatever she asked while I get only her hand me downs but dad always get me things.
To make it even worse I was doing a very bad in my studies and I couldn't stay in one place.
My teacher asked my dad to seek a professional help who diagnosed me with ADHD.
My mother started to call me deranged child since then and everytime my sister had a sinster smile. We both we never close in fact she would torment me when dad was not home.
One day....changed my life totally. Me and Hani were walking home. I saw a small kitten and I was intrigued by it. I went near it but it ran away. I was running after it while Hani was shouting,
"Leave that ugly thing alone and come HaRu!! "
I should've something I always tell myself.
I was in the road and didn't notice a truck. The next thing I know someone pushed me aside and I fell down.
I opened my eyes to see HaNi lying in a pool of blood. I rushed to her side and the last words she said scared me till now..
"Suffer...loser" and that's all she said. Someone had called the ambulance and I had passed out.
When I woke up I heard my mother wailing and cursing at me and I slowly opened to see a teary eyed dad who was trying calm me with his smile.
The next few years was absolute mother was treating me very badly while my dad was away. I gained a lot of weight and that made me loose confidence.
I saw my mom cheat on my dad with some rich guy and she made me not tell dad until he eventually found out.
They got divorced and I finally was at peace or so I thought...
Then my dad passed away due to a heart attack and I once again fell into a dark place..
By the time I finished I was in hysteria and was crying so hard. I felt Dr Mins hand on my shoulder and quietly saying,
"Let it much you want", that's what I did. I don't know how long I cried all the while Dr Min was very quiet and understanding.
"I still have dreams about it and that's what caused my panic attacks that day and today too", I cried thinking about the dream
When I calmed down he gave me some water.
"Well, Miss Haru..I'm sorry for all the things you have been through. It affected it so much that it is etched in your mind that you are worthless. You are distancing yourself from people who can actually help you. I am a psychiatrist, I can only prescribe medicine but I feel it will only do so much help. You need help heal yourself and love yourself. The best person is right next you.... ofcourse I will not force you but It is my opinion that you should tell me Joon", he said.
" I can't...I just can't", I said while shaking...I heard him sigh.
"Again I won't force you...I have prescribed some anti depressants because you are really really depressed. Hope you change your decision some day before it's too late", He gave me the prescription and I thanked him. I left the psychiatry department thankful that I didn't run into Namjoon or any one else.
I reached home and just went straight to bed before Soo Hyun does an interrogative session.
I took the pills before going to sleep because I didn't want that dream to haunt me again.  I don't want to meet Dr Min again because he scares me. I just spill my fears to him just like Namjoon but he is more calm and scarier.
Third person POV:
At the hospital after HaRu leaves....
Min Yoongi sighed as he watched his patient leave. He stretched as he hadn't slept long enough so he decided to take a nap in the nap room for doctors. When he came out he saw the person he had expected to see,
"So, you knew she was here to see me..huh", he said to the mystery person.
"Ofcourse I wasn't dumb you know...I know she wouldn't want to disclose anything to me.. atleast not yet. I hope she doesn't take too much time because I can't watch her crumble again", he sighed and Yoongi just nodded.
"So, you are just going to wait..for her to come to you?"
"Yes..I guess so", that young boy sighed. Dr Min felt bad for this boy but couldn't do anything.
"Yah..imma you should be thankful I met her that day in the park. Or she wouldn't even consider coming her willingly. But, that girl is worrying me...I'm sure she won't come her again. It's a fact", he said.
"Dhae Hyung!! I am thankful for that...I know that fact too. But, I will take care of her from a distance if I have to", he saw the look of determination on the boys face.
"Okay okay...stop being cheesy and let me rest. Get lost from her", he said and headed to the rest area.
He smiled at his oldest hyung who loves sleep, his work and music more than anything.
The young guy opened the lollipop from his pocket and plopped it in his mouth thinking.
He just walked in the corridors in deep thought and mindlessly greetings the people who greeted him.
He thought to himself..
I will not let her drown again.....EVER!!
HEY this chapter has some personal experience put together with a psychiatrist. I wanted to stop the stereotype of psychiatrist. So yeah hope you liked it..
Borahae 💜

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