Chapter 20

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Go Haru's POV:
The next day at work I was contemplating about a lot of things like how to express my feelings to was a mystery.
Just then, my boss called me in.
"HaRu are selected to present your thesis to the famous scientists of our field. It will take place next week",
"Why me though, doctor?"
"I sent your thesis to the University who loved it and sent them to the oceanography association , so they will decide to publish your thesis after your presentation", I was teared up because of happiness.
"Thank you, thank you so much doctor", I bowed to him a hundred times.
"Also, you can bring anyone with you but only 2 people can come. Choose them wisely", he said and dismissed me.
I was dancing the whole way when Soo Hyun spotted me. When she came to ask I pulled her and started to jump with her.
"What happened to you ....yah I'm wearing heels", I stopped as she clutched her ankle.
"Care to tell me now", she asked
"I am selected to present my thesis to the oceanography association!!!"
" I can bring two people though, I thought to invite you",
"When is the presentation?"
"Next Monday"
"Oh no!!! I'm going to my cousin's wedding", I was sad by it. First I can't bring more than two people and now Soo Hyun can't make it.
My face fell and she looked sad as well. I decided to call Hoseok who told me he is visiting his parents, Jin had 48 hour shift that day, Yoongi is going on for a conference , Jimin and Tae has a packed schedule and finally Kookie had exams the that day.
I couldn't reach Namjoon the whole day and it made mood even worse.
The boss gave me the two tickets and I just stared at them. I didn't have parents to bring or friends all busy.
I worked on my presentation the whole week. I still couldn't reach Namjoon. According to In-yeop he had to leave to Busan because of an emergency case.
Two days before my presentation, I decided to go for a walk with Albus. He was with Soo Hyuns parents since we were held up for long.
I found solace in his presence and felt I have only him . I went to the cafe Hoseok introduced me too. They served pretty good coffee and it was quiet. I ordered cappuccino and a chocolate muffin. I was craving sweet today.
I tied Albus to the leg of the chair and scrolled through my phone.
I heard Albus growl at somebody and I looked up to find Madeline..very different from what I have seen before.
Gone was the sophisticated and prim clothes tk to more flashy style . Actually my eyes was blind with the amount of bling in her clothes.
"Well, if it isn't the home wrecker",
I raised my eyebrows in surprise at her remark.
"What can I do for you, Madeline?"
"Well, for one get away from don't deserve him. He deserves a more sane person...not a depressed shit like you", I would be lying if I say she hit a soft spot .
But, I had enough shit already so I didn't another one, but I was beat to it by a voice.
"Aigoo, who brought a plastic Barbie doll here, my holly is getting scared", I saw Yoongi coming today's my table with his dog.
He pushed Madeline away and sat opposite to me while clutching his puppy like life depended on it.
"Min Yoongi stop defending her. You want what's best for your friend, don't you!"
"Well, it's clearly not you. If, you really are the 'perfect' pair for him, he would have liked you from the start which he didn't. I am honestly thankful about it. No, get lost", he casually said and just then his and my drink came.
She huffed and left which got a sign of relief from me.
"Every time I see you, you are brooding about what is it", he asked as he sipped his drink.
"It's nothing, I couldn't contact Namjoon at all. I thought he was ignoring me or something",
" are really an idiot, he had an emergency case which needed him. He along with my other colleague Dr Lee Do Hyun left hurriedly", he was right, I was being very insensitive and whiny about it. It's his job which needed him.
"I'm sorry I was being stupid about it", he nodded. It was weird to see the always calm Yoongi being all cute with his dog, Min Holly.
I looked at the watch and it was too long since I came out. I immediately untied Albus, petted Holly and said bye to Yoongi.
I worked on my presentation and made final touches to it. Sunday went by with me stuck in my room. Practicing for hours and hours but still failed to deliver it correctly.
Soo Hyun had already left yesterday and I was left alone with just the company of Albus. I lay on my bed among a pile of papers.
Just then my phone ringed without seeing who it was I picked it up,
"Were you sleeping?" A deep voice said at the other end. I sat up in shock at the voice,
"Yes, were you sleeping, it's really late. Did you eat? "
"Yes, I ate and I had things to do so I couldn't sleep. You should tired",
"Yeah, we had a bad situation we were helping the family with the situation. I heard about your presentation. I'm sorry I can't come", I could only smile.
"It's alright, you go rest",
"Okay, fighting!"
I slept late at night and woke up early. I decided to borrow a suit from Soo Hyun and a black stiletto to pair it with.

 I decided to borrow a suit from Soo Hyun and a black stiletto to pair it with

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My hair was neatly combed and ironed. I also wore minimal make up. I looked myself in the mirror and felt fine.
I saw that my two tickets was missing but I waved it off. It was already getting late. I had time only to grab a coffee and a muffin on the way in my car.
It was just 20 mins drive to the place and I checked if all the things needed were in place.
I reached and found my boss waiting for me.
"You are right in time!"
I checked the time it was 10. My turn will be at 12 because there were two other people.
It made me feel bad because the people infront of me had their families with them.
We sat waiting until I heard my name,
"Miss Go Haru, you may go in".
My boss wished me luck. I smiled and I took my files.
I saw that there were handful of people in and the judges were right infront of me.
"Miss Go, you may begin",one of them said.
The stage fear got best of me and I froze.
I was about to cry but stopped,
When I saw something....
Hey I expected to write something in this chapter but it became too long so gonna write it in next...hope you liked it
Borahae 💜

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