Chapter 28

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Mikrokosmos - BTS
Go Haru's POV:
A few months later....
This weekend is officially 1 year since Namjoon and I were dating. I smiled at that thought, we had a rough year to say the least. The five months we were dating I was in a coma then one month was me recovering from my trauma but then it was blissful.
I grew as a person both physically and mentally. I was visiting my psychiatrist Dr Lee Ji Eun monthly, I never skipped because of Namjoon who kept track.
I moved in with Namjoon a month ago. I left Albus with Soo Hyun because she begged me to. Rachel transferred to our office and rooming with Soo Hyun.
Moving in was out of the blue because it just happened one day when we were at his house..
"It's so nice to have a day to ourselves after a long time. I wish I could stay next to you always" I sighed.
"Why don't you move in?"
Yup, that's exactly how it went. Immediately next day we started the moving process. Soo Hyun was in tears complaining how I was leaving her. I had to coax her with her favourite things and giving Albus to her.
Currently,we are preparing the house for guests or rather Namjoon's parents.
They knew about us for a long time but Namjoon told them to stay calm. I felt bad about it so I asked him to call them.
The door bell rang and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. I know Namjoon told me that his parents love me already but I just can't.
"Omma, guys here. Come in", Namjoon let them in. I instantly got them out of their coats.
"Anneyohayseo, I am Go Haru. It's nice to meet you both", they smiled and I felt some what okay.
I made them sit and brought out the dishes which I learnt from Jin the day before.
I made Sameyongsal, kimichi jigae and  japchae.
I was jittering in my seat and Namjoon held my hand in comfort.
"So, tell me about yourself, Go Haru ssi", his mom said and I gulped.
"Well, I am an oceanographer with a double Ph.d . I am a single child and I have no parents or atleast one of them couldn't care less",
"So, what makes you a good pair for my son", her words were like a knife.
"Omma!" Namjoon yelled
"Yeobo", I saw his dad looked his wife questioningly.
"It's okay, I know I'm not the idle partner for him but I know I can make him happy and will always be a with him. You won't have to worry about your son at all. He saved me when I was down and I'm grateful. But,my love for him is not because I'm grateful but he is the kind of person who can make a person fall in immediately because of how amazing and mature he is. You might know that were dating only for a year but I fell in love long before".
The table was silent and suddenly Namjoon's mom laughed out loud.
"You just impressed me not that you needed to because you had my approval long back,my child. Also, know that you have a mom and dad now so come to us anytime", I had tears in my eyes and I noticed she has the same smile as Namjoon, warm and kind.
The rest of the time we were playing games and talking about Namjoon as a child.
It felt nice and special just spending time with them. They had left the next day since they had things to do.
Namjoon had left for the hospital and I left for mine. After finishing my lunch I was breaking my head on what I should get for Namjoon on our anniversary.
"How about a book?", Rachel suggested and I looked at her weirdly.
"It's the first anniversary , something special ", currently me , Rachel and Soo Hyun were breaking our head on the present.
I decided to call the big guns, thankfully they were free so we decided to meet at our regular cafe.
I was sitting with Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok who were the closest to Namjoon. The maknaes were whining but they had work.
"Namjoon likes nature, books stuff like this. His taste is so refined that it's very hard to get him something. I got him a figurine"
"Well, I know you will get a better present than Jin hyung because he got him freebies once", Yoongi said casually while Jin was yelling about how it was very useful for him.
I spaced out and just sighed because at the end of the day I couldn't think of anything for him.
When I reached home I held rapmon close to me and was sulking when Namjoon came home.
"Wow, the air feels so sad..why are you sulking?"
"Why are you so difficult!" I yelled as I went inside our room.
A day before the anniversary.
I still don't have any idea for a present and worst part Namjoon seem to forget that tomorrow is our anniversary .
I was strolling through the street lost and hopeless when I came across a shop which had a small replica of Namsan tower.
An idea struck me and I went a bought the present.
I told Namjoon that I will be staying with the girls today so that I can prepare the gift. He seemed to not care which scared me. I always have this fear that he will get bored of me or something.
The whole night I spent preparing the gift. The girls were helping me but they slept after a point of time.
By the time I finished with it it was already dawn. The whole day I spent shopping for accessories and shopping. Around 6, I decided to dress up and leave. Today was off for both of us thankfully so I showered and wore the dress Soo Hyun gifted and the shoes that Rachel got.
They both were excited for Namjoon reaction and same goes for me.
I took a cab and reached our appartment expecting Namjoon also to surprise me but I was surprised to find he was just eating a bag of chips watching a movie.
"Oh you are here! You going out somewhere huh. Get me something when you come back", I was shocked and angry. I threw the gift in his lap and said,
"Happy 1 year anniversary!" I went out crying and suddenly there was a cloth tied to my eyes.
I tried struggling but couldn't because someone was holding me and I couldn't shout because of the hand in my mouth.
I was taken in a van I guess and I cursed my luck today .
Soon the vehicle and I was taken outside not so smoothly. I flinched since I was wearing heels which earned my kidnapper a smack as he yelps muttering a sorry.
I couldn't recognise the voices at all. Soon my blindfold was released and I stood infront of a beach with no one there.
I looked around and found no one...I was stranded somewhere. My phone was also not with me.
I was feeling cold since it was dark already but soon I noticed a huge yacht infront of me.
A masked , full covered man came infront of me and held my hand to lead me inside the yacht. I couldn't run since two others were also behind me.
I silently followed him in and found myself in a dark place. At this point I was praying for my death.
The irony that I was in ocean ,my favourite place made me laugh bitterly and added bonus was my first anniversary.
But my thoughts were interrupted with the lights switching on and I found myself in a beautiful room with pictures everywhere.
Pictures of me in different places, all smiling happily.
Wow, some stalker this person is...I thought to myself.
Then, I gaped as I saw Albus and Rapmon running towards me.
"Albus? Rapmon? What are guys doing here? Don't tell me they took you too", I said patting them when I noticed they both had something on their collars.
I took the first note and read,
You are my mystery
I was confused and then proceed to open the second note,
Which I would like to solve forever, will you let me?
I looked up and saw Namjoon in a suit looking dashing.
I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. He smiled at me dearly as he walked towards me.

"Did you really think I will forget it?" I smiled sheepishly at him while he flicked my head

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"Did you really think I will forget it?" I smiled sheepishly at him while he flicked my head.
"So, what's my answer?"
"Is this how you propose to me? Wow, so boring! Where is kneeling and asking me with a beautiful ring and stuff".
"Yah, Kim Namjoon do it or I will do it instead of you!" I heard Jin yell and he sighed.
"They always ruin my moment.." he muttered as he kneeled down.
"Will you, Miss Go Haru marry me?"
"Now, that's the spirit!"
"Go Haru , my knees are hurting...say yes or no"
"Lemme think about it.." he looked unimpressed.
"Yes, a million times YES!"  He smiled and slide the ring in my hand.

"Yes, a million times YES!"  He smiled and slide the ring in my hand

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It was simple and I loved it. He came to hug me which was interrupted my two barks...from Albus and Rapmon.
Soon the whole gang came to us excited.
"I am so sorry Noona, I was the one who was holding you, I must have hurt you", I just patted his shoulder and said it's alright.
"Who were the people accompanying me into the boat?"
"That will be us, Noona", I turned to see Yeonjun, Soobin and Heuning Kai.
"Where are others?" I noticed 4 people were missing : Taehyun, Beomgyu, Yoongi and Hoseok.
"Here we are! We went to get food for all you while Beomgyu and Hoseok is setting the table for us to eat"
We followed Taehyun to a see a beautifully set table while Hobi and Beomgyu wearing proud smiles.
"You guys cooked?"
"Actually, Jin hyung , Yoongi hyung, Hoseok hyung cooked mostly while others helped", Jimin said and I nodded.

"You guys cooked?""Actually, Jin hyung , Yoongi hyung, Hoseok hyung cooked mostly while others helped", Jimin said and I nodded

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It was picture perfect moment. All of us enjoying our moment. After we had dinner all the others were discussing and chatting when Joon dragged me somewhere.
"What happened?"
"Your gift was amazing!" I was surprised and totally forgot about it.
I gave him like a souvenir box filled with our memories. A small Namsan tower model, a postcard of ocean, along with pictures of us in a scrap book.
I smiled and we held hands while joining the others..
He saved me when I didn't want to be saved....
Dad I found my family..they are right infront of me.
Hey guys...this is's done!! I am so happy and content after finishing it. Thank you for reading it and supporting me.
Borahae 💜
Stay tuned for the epilogue.

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