Chapter 16

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Trivia love- RM
Kim Namjoon's POV:
Go Haru...her name gives a smile to me. The day she fell in my arms after she had overdosed I was was terrified.. that she will leave me.
To me she was a light which just fades as I reach her. I have never seen her smile at me without being fake.
I have seen her smile happily when she is with others whenever she sees me, she has this mask on.
It broke me when she pushed me away after she overdosed.
I asked Yoongi hyung who was her doctor and he just shrugged,
"She has a lot of insecurities and dark thoughts in her. Give her some time, Namjoon ah...she will come to you", I nodded.
I knew all the things she feels because I was psychologist and her body language gave it away with ease. I gave her space.
I was called by the chief of medicine, Dr Bang shi Hyuk that day,
"Ahh.. Namjoon ah. I recieved a call from the UN, they want you for a project in Africa".
"For how, Doctor?"
"A month . It can extend to more", I bowed to him and went home to get my things ready.
I got a call from Yoongi hyung then,
"Joon ah .. I heard that you are leaving for a month"
"Yes, hyung.  I'm leaving tomorrow",
"Okay, I'm going to visit your girl", I chuckled at his mention of 'my girl'
"She is not my girl .. atleast not yet", I heard him chuckle in the phone.
"Araseo,imma....I will talk to you later", he cut the call.
I sighed and continued my packing. Monie, my dog came to me wagging his tail.
"You are hungry huh, Monie ah!!" He barked and went to to get him food.
After feeding him, he was playing around and I was working in my lap. I had to inform my counselees about the sudden plan and change their schedules.
Just when I finished my work I got a call from Yoongi hyung,
"She misses you...a lot", was the first thing I heard him through the phone.
"Huh, what do you mean hyung?"
"The moment I came her expression changed to disappointed, she was expecting you. Also, when I told her you are leaving, she had a very sad look. Go to her before you leave".
I smiled when I heard his words and nodded while saying,
"Nae hyung... I will", I heard him hum in response and cut the call.
So, that what I did. I went to her house to meet her.
"You told me you will be late... Namjoon ssi!!" She shrieked at the me
"Hello, Ruie ssi...may I come in?"
She moved aside to let me in and I  bowed at me as I entered.
She was in shock and she was very cute with her loose fitted clothes.
She sighed and I just looked at her contemplating over something.
"Yoongi ssi told me you are leaving for a retreat...why are you here then",
"Ah..I am leaving but you are really think I will leave without a goodbye" , I quirked my eyebrows.
"I thought you were mad at me",
" I AM NOT MAD!", Just then the bag I  was holding tore and all the contents spilled on the floor.
"Aish..Jin hyung and maknae are right, I am darn clumsy. I'm sorry about that", I facepalmed myself for my stunt and she laughed. I was loving her voice
"So, you will going long?" She quietly asked and I thought for sometime before replying.
"Maybe a month or more.. depends on the situation. I'm going to Africa as part of UNICEF so yeah", she looked at me weirdly and the look in her eyes was....awe?
"Well, have a safe trip and come back soon", she said and I  smiled while nodding.
She made lemon tea for both of us which we had in silence. Soon, I felt it was getting late so I got up to leave while she got up along with me
Before leaving I face her and leaned in while whispering,
"I'll come back soon okay", she was red as Tomato and my heart was beating rapidly.
I didn't know where I had the courage to do that.
"Okay...", She said quietly and I gave her a  smile.
" See you later Ruie!!" I left and the next day to Africa.
A month and half later....
The whole time I was there I was thinking about her. I was worried that she will forget me and move on. This though plagued me and my friend, Madeline Choi questioned me about it and I told her about Ha Ru.
"Wow, its so weird to see you like this, Joon ah", I laughed it off.
The day I was coming back Hoseok and In-yeop was going to pick me up.
Madeline decided to come with and when I met them in the airport they seem to be looking for someone. I was chatting with them when and laughing at what Madeline had said I heard Hoseok yell,
"Ha Ru ah!!!come here" my heart raced as I heard the name. There she stood looking beautiful as always.
But from the moment she saw Madeline her expression changed and she became very cold.
The whole ride she was cold. I didn't see her for a long time after that.
After sometime Hoseok decided to throw a welcome bash for Maddy. I told him to invite Haru too.
When she came I was expecting her to sit beside me but she decided to sit next to Yoongi hyung. He gave a sad smile at me. She never glanced me the whole time...I was distracting myself by talking to Maddy but it hurt me a lot.
Even when she left, she left without a goodbye to me when she waved at everyone.
"Leave her be Joon ah...she can't see the gem you are. Forget her", I felt offended when Maddy said that.
"I'm sorry Maddy, I can't", I said and she kept quiet.
She hasn't contacted me at all and out of blue I got a call from her.
"Ha Ru ssi..." I couldn't hear anything just a loud thud. I immediately got worried and rushed to her appartment.
When I reached she was passed out. I almost lost my mind there. I carried her to her bed and nursed her.
When she woke up, I asked her for the reason why she was avoiding me she poured out about her mom, dad and her nightmare.
I held her as she cried and shushed her. I felt my heart break for her. I wish she had told me earlier.
I finally found the courage the ask her out for Maddy's party and she said yes.
When I saw her in that dress, I fell for her beauty once again.
After we reached I left her to meet Madeline.
She was alone and she smiled at me,
"Joon ah...I was waiting for you. You look handsome", she said as she kissed my cheek. I found it weird
"Happy Birthday Maddy, I got you something", I gave the bracelet I bought for her.
"Oh my god!! It's beautiful. Listen, Joon ah I want to tell you something", she looked me weirdly.
"I like you ..a lot. For 6 years, I have been liking you and I hope you accept me", I was in come I never caught the signs.
"Listen, Maddy you are just a friend...I can't take it far from that", I said honestly.
"Is it because of her...the one who is avoiding you and pushing you away. You are going after a toxic relationship Joon ah!"
"It's not toxic Maddy. Because she is just a broken person and I want to be there with her when she picks herself up"
"But why??"
Because I fell in love with 6 years ago and still now...
Woah...that was long...longest I have written.
*Mental pat* . This is kind of a recap of the other chapters in joons side . Hope you liked it
Borahae 💜

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