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Louder than bombs - BTS
(One of my favs)
Go Haru's POV:
A few years later...
" I give up! I CAN'T KEEP UP WITH HIM" , I sighed as I sat down exhausted.
My 5 year old is really tiring and clumsy just like his dad. It's been 6 years since we got married and the ceremony was magical.
My maid of honor was Soo Hyun ofcourse while Rachel was the bridesmaid. While there was a huge debate as to who will be the best man in the wedding since Joon had to choose from 6 people.
So, in the end Jin was the MC, Hoseok was chosen as beatman while Rachel was made to choose the groom's man.
After contemplating she choose Jimin because somehow he won her over.
I asked Soo Hyun's dad to walk me down the aisle but my bad luck he had broken his leg.
I remembered how panicked I was..
"I'm sorry, my dear...I let down your dad and you", Soo Hyuns dad weepped. I smiled through my tears because I knew it wasn't his fault.
I was looking distraught when I heard someone say,
"I'll do it, I consider her my sister anyway", I looked up to see Yoongi casually standing.
"Oh, me too!"
"Me too!" I looked to see Jungkook and Taehyung smiling.
"Yah! How many people can walk her, it's too much", Yoongi said
"I don't mind at all", I said as wiped my following tears.
I got up with a help of Yoongi and Jungkook.
On my right was Yoongi, left was Jungkook and Taehyung.
I saw Joon at the end smiling while Jin was announcing my arrival. Before me was Soo Hyun and Hoseok, Rachel and Jimin.
I looked around to find familiar faces, The younger med students waving happily and taking pictures, my doctor Irene and my therapist, Dr Lee Ji Eun too.
It was magical moment and it stayed with me..
Hwang in yeop ssi also came but the air between them was much nicer than before which I was grateful
Now, after 6 years I still am madly in love with him as before. He was a great dad to Ha Nam...yes we named him after both of us, weirdly poetic was what Jin said.
Soo Hyun is engaged to a guy she met in a trip she took, Song Kang. While, In-yeop met Moon Ga Young in Germany and they clicked. They got married last year and they lived in Germany.
Currently, the three maknaes are serving in the military together. I was balling my eyes out when Namjoon when to military also I was pregnant with Ha Nam at that time.
He was feeling awful about missing his birth but thankfully Jin was there to help and so was Yoongi.
Rachel and Jimin is dating weirdly though Rachel is a year older than him. He said,
"Love has no age, Noona!"because he thought I will disapprove.
When I went to labour, Yoongi and Taehyung were the one's there. They got super panicked and I also hit Taehyung.
All the boys are dating and I am yet to meet Jungkook's girl friend who he never introduced.
And the case with my mother and Madeline, well her Father's company was caught in a huge corruption scandal and they lost all their property.
They are somewhere, far from my world and I'm thankful.
I am watching Namjoon currently trying to catch Ha Nam who was running with dirt all over him.
"Kim Ha Nam, I will catch you and not allow you to take that watch to school! I will give to your friends instead", he was panting but he managed to get him.
"He is a runner alright!" He said as he carried him inside. I chuckled , his uncles spoil him a lot. I mean he got a huge playstation for his birthday from Jin and Yoongi who got a huge smack from me.
His aunts they are the worst, they get him anything he asks. He is close to all of them. My family was completed I felt.
Me and Namjoon got a cute and compact home near the city after Ha Nam was born. Rapmon is with us and he loves the house since it has huge yard.
I am now a professor and teaching oceanography in Seoul National University while Rachel and Soo Hyun are head of the office.
Namjoon is head of psychology association being the youngest. He is also member of UNICEF too, helping from time to time.
The youngest members are now residents and guiding younger ones.
Everyone around me is set in their life. I faced a lot of drawbacks in my life.
I was once a girl broken and had no hope in life. A girl guided with inhibitions and self pity that forgot the beautiful things in life.
Now, I am free from those shackles and leading my life smoothly with the help of my loved ones.
I realised that the time I was worrying about my problems I should have enjoyed life.
I lost my precious youth wallowing in the sea of low self esteem and weakness. But, past is past...now I intend to live my life.
With my friends and family who helped me go through those hardships. I'm grateful for life and what it threw me. Because of it I am a strong person full of zest .
I implore everyone to live in the present... trouble and hardship will come but it should not consume your life. Life is more than just hardships it's a beautiful gift given to us...
Hello guys, this books ends here...the message I wanted to convey here is that love yourself and live your life to the maximum. Times are tough now but we shall overcome it too. Be hopeful and happy. It's a gift from me to you... ARMY just live with our boys...they r the best gift.

Here are a few wise words from our leader:

. "Life is more beautiful knowing that we've taken a loan on death. Even light is treasured more when there is darkness."

. "Everyone suffers in their life. There are many sad days. But rather than sad days, we hope to have better days. That's what makes us live. That's what makes us dream."

Why is there no opposite word of loneliness? Could it be because people, until they die, have no moments of not being lonely?"

"I think the biggest love is the love for oneself, so if you want to love others, you should love yourself first."

Life is a sculpture that you cast as you make mistakes and learn from them."

This book is a dedication to the Namjoon in my life, my Bestfriend. I connected with her only during the pandemic thought we went to the same school. We were not as close then as we are now but lockdown changed. I met her only once since the pandemic and I don't have even a picture together. But, she is my rock and helped me when I was down. Happy Birthday my bestie, you deserve everything nice and beautiful. You are a beautiful soul and I can't be more grateful. I love you loads and I hope I don't drive you away with my stupidness.
Btw to me u r Namjoon not jk😏

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