9. Non-human's troubles

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"Oh Sehun! You have violated the legal constitutional regulation of Guardian Angel number one thousand and nine hundred ninety four for leaking out the secret information to a human. You shall be punished according to the constitutional law of Angel association for South Korean region. You will hear your punishment in the court by midnight."

Sehun blew an air out of his mouth, feeling so much annoyed upon hearing a verdict of guilty being returned to him by his own best friend.

"Great news. Thanks Tao. You've made my day." He said nonchalantly then walked away, leaving the isolated room where some indisciplined angels got their lecture from the member of Angel force or even directly from its General who was famous for his boring nagging - Huang Zi Tao.

"Where do you think you are going, Sehun? It's not done yet!" Tao yelled.

"I know." Sehun turned around and shot Tao with a boring look.

"So?" Tao pressed.

"I need to meet my wife for now, not you." Sehun was still wearing his poker face.

"Am I less important than your wife?" Tao was fumed. His pride of being a general of the Angel force who had been in charge to establish the discipline in the Korean Angel territory for almost 5 years was hurt.

"Of course. She could give me a tender kiss before I attend the court. But you..." Sehun paused. "You give me headache." He ended with a smirk.

"As if you can feel headache like human." Tao grumbled.

"Oh come on! You know what I mean. Don't play dumb general."

"I'm not dumb! No! No! No....." Tao repeatedly stomped his feet on the ground, annoyed much for Sehun calling him dumb.

"Look at you. Ouch! Do generals out there whine like you? You're hopeless." Sehun shook his head.

"They do, if they are hurt!" Tao retorted. He still didn't want to admit a defeat. So, Sehun guessed, he should be the one to end the arguing session with Tao.

"Okay, buddy. Let's stop this, you are not dumb, but not smart either." Tao raised his eyebrows. He was about to shot another retort, but restrained himself as he saw Sehun's expression turned gloom.

"For now, just give me time for some peace, okay?" Sehun lifted his hands, showing he had no energy to argue anymore. He needed some peace for sure.

"Fine. I'm sorry. It must've been hard for you watching out your family down there." Tao dropped his temper then came closer to Sehun to give him a friendly pat on his shoulder.

"No problem, General. Thanks for your concern." Sehun smiled at Tao then went out of the room for real this time.




"Sehun! Is it true, you're going to be punished?" A girl wearing white chiffon knee-length dress approached Sehun hastily in the bench placed under a big tree.

"Tao said so." Sehun said then showed a dry smile at her.

"I hope it's not going to be a fatal punishment." The girl looked very worried. She sat next to Sehun while fidgeting her hands.

"Don't worry, Ji Eun." Sehun took the girl's right hand and squeezed it lightly.

"The judge would be Lay hyung. He is a super kind-hearted big brother, and the most honorable angel here. He would decide things wisely for me." He explained.

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