20. The wanted boy - Part 3

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Sitting down on the deckchairs situated in the back lawn of the mansion were Sehun and Luhan. In front of them was a campfire which they used to toast the marshmallow they were enjoying at the moment. The night was young; there was still plenty of time to spend before Sehun's flight schedule in the midnight. Knowing that fact, Luhan intentionally took Sehun to their favorite place, just to talk randomly with him before he left, before he went for who knew how long it would be.

"So, are you really going, Sehun?" Luhan asked casually as he toasted the marshmallow over the fire.

"Yeah! As you've said so, it might be a good chance to meet my family." Sehun said cheerfully, before he bit the white squishy food.

"So, you're fine with leaving me alone?" Luhan raised his brows at his younger brother.

"Hyung...." Sehun whined in annoyance. It had been hard for Sehun to go, if Luhan did not convince him to. But then, Luhan suddenly came up with that question, and it made Sehun felt like his determination to go was back to square one.

"You know, when you just came here, you whined like that a lot. You only stopped whining when I gave you foods. Seriously, you're such a glutton back then." Luhan scoffed.

"Well, I was just a kid. I need foods to grow up." Sehun pouted, his hands crossed over his chest.

"But you're getting so fat back then. You got me worried." Luhan shook his head while chuckling to himself as he remembered how chubby Sehun when he was 7.

"Yeah, and that's why you put me in a super hard training soon after. You made me pass out almost every day, back then." Sehun cringed at the memory.

"That's for your own good, anyway." Luhan patted Sehun on the shoulder; a wide grin was on his handsome face.

"How's getting me beaten up every day is for my own good? Seriously, hyung." Sehun rolled his eyes in annoyance. "You know, I will never defeat you in fighting yet you challenged me every day. That's so unfair!"

"I only did that just so you'll be motivated to try harder." Luhan pointed out as he leaned his back on the backrest.

"Oh, really?" Sehun showed a devious smile, and before long he had tackled Luhan's legs and shoved him backward till he fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Got you!" Sehun stood up and looked down at his big brother with a satisfied grin.

"Only because I let you to." Luhan grinned back and jumped to his feet.

"I'm leaving." Sehun sulked. He then turned around and stomped off.

"Hey! Don't be mad." Luhan caught up to Sehun. An amused expression was still on his face, seeing Sehun's sulking because of him. "Your fighting skill is not bad. It's just that I'm too good to be defeated."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Sehun waved his brothers' words aside and continued walking towards the mansion.

"Just stay safe and sound out there. Don't forget to call me once in a while. If anything happens, or you need my help whenever it is, never hesitate to tell me, okay?" Luhan slung his arm over Sehun's shoulders, keeping his younger brother close to him, at least for a while.

"You sound more like a nagging grannie, hyung. You're getting more ridiculous, you know?" Sehun commented with a sneer.

"Oh you have no idea how it feels to be a big brother!" Luhan playfully ruffled Sehun's hair afterwards.

"I think I know a little bit." Sehun shoved Luhan's hand off his hair, and put his hands on the hips confidently.

"How so?"

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