8. Time for revealing some truths

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The surrounding was all white with white smoke vaporing from what seemed like a snowy ground where Minhee stepped on. The breeze was cold on her skin. The light was brightly shining down from whatever unknown light bulb placed above her. This place was totally unfamiliar to Minhee. She could not tell where she was, at the moment. Though she wondered about it, she just neglected it. Minhee just needed to talk to the familiar man standing casually before her anyway. No need to put too much concern over the place. So here she went, beginning to utter some words – a statement to be exact.

“I and Luhan have made it clear for the both of us.”

“And what do you mean by clear?” Sehun grinned.

“Now I’ve committed myself to be with Luhan and Jihyun. I’ve said I love them. Please, spill the truth.” Minhee insisted, making Sehun’s grin faded away. A straight face was what he chose to put on, right then.

“Did you commit yourself only to find out about your past? Not because of Luhan?” With folded arms over the chest, Sehun leaned his back on the wall and shot Minhee with the boring look.

“You don’t need to know my real reason. What matters is, you promise me the explanation. And I’m calling it now.” Minhee pointed out. She refused to answer Sehun’s bothering question about her feeling for Luhan. She was obviously confused with herself. Yes, she had been falling for Luhan since she met him for the first time. But the fact that Luhan confessed and returned her feeling quite faster than expected – less than a month exactly, was a little bit surprising. Then again, Sehun forced her to commit herself to be with Luhan and Jihyun as an exchange for some pieces of information he was going to tell about her well being, with which that alone was enough reason for Minhee to back off, to frown and question about what Sehun’s motive actually was.

“Alright.” Sehun heaved a sigh, trying to calm himself before revealing the truth.

“So, you were once a human then died and became an angel like me.” Simple. Sehun told the history of how Minhee changed her form and identity like it was nothing. Shouldn’t that info be the top secret? Why did it feel like it's just too ordinary? Was this the real information Minhee was dying to know? No, she needed more than that.

“What about now? What am I?” She pressed the matter.

“A human.”

“How old?”

“Twenty four. That should explain why you’re younger than your friend. So don’t ask.”

“Okay, but why do I become a human again?”

“Because you regret something from your past life and you begged to be back on earth.”

“What is it about my past?”

“You regretted for failing to save someone you love and you want to help him once, when actually he didn’t really need your help at all.” Sehun looked away and muttered to himself, “so dumb.”

Too bad, Minhee heard what he said.

“Excuse me! In what way am I dumb? You said, I wanted to save the person I love. Then, it’s worth it to be human again.”

“But you never know what danger awaits you out there.” Sehun said with his chilling voice. His usual mischievous self was completely off.

“What danger, then?”

“You’ll find out. The storm is about to come anyway. By that time, stay safe with Luhan and Jihyun no matter what will happen. I beg you.” Sehun said with a sad look on his face. Minhee narrowed her eyes at that. Why did Sehun need to put that kind of expression? What was that for?

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