12. Let's put things back together

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"What do I have to tell you, Doctor Minnie?"

"Everything. About you and me. In the past."

Luhan sighed hearing how determined Minhee was to unveil her past. He should have expected her to ask about that any sooner. After all, he himself was one of many factors which could trigger her memory to come back.

"Why do you think I was there in your past?" Luhan asked casually as he stared at the blue sky while slowly trying to breathe in the warm spring air. He was secretly trying to calm his own nerves, apparently.

"Because I remember something." Minhee sounded hesitant to tell Luhan about her memories any further. But then, she couldn't possibly avoid it anymore when Luhan gave his eyes back for her, gazing at her while showing a small smile which strangely gave a pang of sadness deep down her heart.

"Will you tell me what that is?" Luhan requested.

"I remember that Jihyun was my brother's daughter. And you are...." Minhee hesitated to say the next line, and Luhan was fast to catch what she was trying to say.

"What is it? Do you remember who I am?" He quickly asked.

"Yeah." Minhee nodded. She couldn't look at Luhan in the eyes this time.

"Then, who am I?" Luhan moved his seating position to the left side, intentionally making himself closer to where Minhee was sitting on the bench.

"My husband." Minhee said softly. But surely, Luhan could hear that word. He even chuckled at how nervous Minhee when she said that.

"Are you sure about that, doctor Minnie?" Luhan showed Minhee a teasing smile, making her nervous even more.

"That's why I need you to confirm it." She almost broke her voice when she said it.

"If I do confirm it, what will I get in return?" Luhan's face got even closer and closer by the time he asked further questions. Minhee's heart couldn't handle that any longer. It kept racing crazily, bumping, beating so fast that she felt like her heart was going to explode out of her ribcage.

"I-I don't know! I just want to remember the things I've forgotten for so long. Now after I meet you, the memories keep appearing in my head. I've got a hard time dealing with the pain. You have no idea!" Minhee finally made an outburst to ease her troubled heart and mind.

"Calm down, doctor Minnie." Yet now Luhan innocently squeezed Minhee's hands genuinely with a good intention to calm her down, which unfortunately just gave the opposite effect to her heart composure. She had to take deep breath several times just to feel alive. Little did she realize that dealing with throbbing pain in her head when the memory came flooding out, was as much suffocating as having Luhan being close with her and touched her like what he was doing at the moment.

"Want me to tell you something?" Minhee just nodded at Luhan. She did not anticipate him to say, "I was your husband." She had to gawk for a moment to finally come back to her sense.

"So is it true?" Minhee didn't avert her eyes from Luhan's. This time, she tried to find the truth in his eyes. She had to confirm this truth about him. She definitely had to.

"Yeah. And I still am your husband. Officially." Luhan stated assuringly. There was no bits of doubt in his tone. He definitely told the truth. Minhee was assured as well. She was just not entirely ready to accept it, not when she had not completely put every piece of puzzle back to form a vivid picture of her past.

"Want me to tell you more?" Luhan offered.

"Of course. I want it. And I need it."

"In exchange for that, please be my wife again. Will you?" Minhee showed a startled expression right after Luhan stated his request. She still didn't know how to react to that. It was true that she had loved him again even without remembering her past with him. But to start anew as Luhan's wife was a whole new thing. She still could not tell how she was feeling when she was being a wife of Luhan. Sadly, she did not have any memories about that.

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