22. It's the time - Part 1

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"You're back!" Luhan could not help but exclaimed as he finally watched Chanyeol's heartbeat coming back on the bedside Heart Rate Monitor. After Chanyeol's sudden cardiac arrest this morning, Luhan had been trying his best to help him back by any means possible, and fortunately his last effort by performing defibrillation, shocking Chanyeol's heart over and over for almost an hour eventually fruitful.

"You should take some rest, doc. We'll take care of him from now on." A nurse told Luhan sympathetically as she had witnessed how Luhan had desperately struggled to save Chanyeol's life.

"Alright." Luhan began to take a step back and exited the room. However, instead of taking a rest as suggested by the nurse, Luhan went towards the next room to check on Jongdae's condition.

When he was about to open the door to the room, it opened from the inside, revealing Kim Minseok, his best friend and also the owner of the hospital.

"Minseok! How's Jongdae?" Luhan immediately questioned.

"He's alright. Don't worry. What about Chanyeol?"

"All good. He has passed his critical state, now."

"Well done." Minseok patted Luhan on the shoulder. "Now go and meet Jongdae. It's a little bit weird and all but he told me he got a vision about something during his comatose and he needed to tell you about it."

"Uh..." Luhan frowned for a moment. "Okay then."

When he was about to take a step inside the room, the same nurse he told him to rest came back to him.

"Wait up doc!" She exclaimed.

"What is it?" Luhan turned around to face her and then stared at something she was holding.

"Mr. Park Chanyeol is awake now, and he wanted you to have this. He's been keeping this in his jacket since he's brought to this hospital." The nurse handed Luhan a minu USB flash drive. Luhan eyed the item curiously for a second.

"Alright, thank you." Luhan took the flash drive and smiled at the nurse.

"Anytime, doc." She then bowed and excused herself.

"Minseok..." Luhan trailed off. "Chanyeol and Jongdae. Are they perhaps, trying to tell me something about the accident they've gone through?" He mused.

"I think so." Minseok nodded. "And I think we should help them out."

"Right. I'll meet Jongdae first for now."

Soon after, Luhan was inside the room. There, Jongdae's body which was all covered in bandage due to the burn he got from the fire was lying hopelessly on the bed. However, in contrast to his weak limbs, his eyes were wide open, looking so alive then ever.

"Jongdae, you got something to tell me?" Luhan asked once he was next to Jongdae's bed.

"Lu..." Jongdae gulped his lump as he was trying his best to utter a word. "Luhan..." His voice came out so low and raspy, but audible enough for Luhan to hear.

"I think you still need some rest, Jongdae. You can always talk to me later when you feel better." Luhan offered Jongdae an assuring smile.

"No. Jihyun is kidnapped by Mei." Jongdae eventually managed to let out what he needed to say.

"What? How? How can you know that? Besides, Minhee is fetching her right now. She should be alright."

"Trust me." Jongdae tried his best to assure Luhan. "Call Minhee, now."

Though with a little hesitation, Luhan took out his phone. Soon after when he checked on the phone, his confused expression was replaced with horror and panic. He didn't realize that he actually got some missed calls from Minhee and also a message from her an hour ago, with the content that was especially shocking and obviously not pleasing at all.

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