21. The twisted girl - Part 1

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Minhee let out a heavy sigh. Her eyes still blankly stared at her husband's  face. The story she had listened to all night made her heart sink to its very bottom. It made her helpless, vulnerable. She knew bad things must have happened in her past. She realized that even before she remembered every piece of it. But, really, she never expected things to be worse than she'd ever imagined, so tragic she couldn't utter a word to express her own feelings.

"Minhee, are you alright?" Luhan asked as he reached for his wife's hand.

"I'm an evil girl, aren't I?" Minhee smiled bitterly. 

"I'm the cause of all of this catastrophe. I've made Sehun and our baby gone, and I've even made you leave your father and sister, hurting them all along."

"No, you're not, Minhee. None of it is your fault. If anything, it is me the one to blame. If I was not such a rebel, turning my back on my father and sister back then, none of it would've happened. Sehun and our baby would still be alive." Luhan tried to assure Minhee of her innocence, but she denied it.

She shook her head and said, "No, I know everything is on me and I have the responsibility to fix this."

"Nothing needs fixing right now. What we have to do now is just to be good parents for Jihyun, giving her a good life and as much love as we have."

"You're right about that, Luhan. But what about your sister? Weren't you still being chased by Mei's men even after Sehun's gone?"

"Yeah. Even now, she's still trying to look for us. But don't worry, I'll deal with her."

"No, I need to talk to her. She's hurting and that's why she's still keeping her hatred for Sehun and Jihyun. I want to help her let go of the pain, and move forward with life." Minhee explained. Her eyes were full of determination.

"I know you have a good intention, Minhee. But you don't know her. She's dangerous." Luhan let out a sigh and rubbed his face with the palm of his hand. "Look, I hate to say this but my sister is twisted. She's not herself anymore. That hatred she's keeping all these years, has consumed her completely."

"I still have to try, Luhan. I believe there is a way to help her. Besides, running away from her all the time will never solve everything. I know you're good at protecting Jihyun. You've proved it and you have no idea how grateful I am to you for doing that." Minhee reached Luhan's face and placed her hand on his cheek.

"But then, wouldn't it be better if you stop feeling threatened and raise Jihyun in peace?" She looked at Luhan in the eye, pleading him to understand what she wanted.

"Alright." Luhan said in a low voice.

Minhee furrowed her eyebrows, confused. "Alright?"

"Yeah, alright. I'll try to talk to Mei too. We're doing this together. I'm not gonna let you face her alone." Luhan stated loud and clear.

"Thank you!" Minhee immediately moved forward and hugged Luhan right after, making him smile in relief.

"You know what, I only support you because you're always being reckless."

"What are you trying to say?" Minhee immediately pulled away from the hug and narrowed her eyes at Luhan.

"Well, the last time you met Mei, in the first and the last family dinner in China, you were so scared of her. You were so nervous when she suddenly spoke to you and you ended up throwing a lobster leg right onto her face."

"Did I do that?" She cringed at the thought of her attacking a girl with a lobster's leg.

"You did, and you practically ruined the dinner as you accidentally nudged the soup bowl and juice jar when you were trying to help her out." Luhan chuckled seeing how Minhee's eyes bulged out.

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