3. I should not keep this feeling

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This evening was quite unusual. It had been bright and warm all day, and even all this month. But today was different. Once the sun set, the dark sky began to pour its big amount of water stock to the earth, causing the temperature fell significantly. Then, there was this cold wind which kept blowing, sometimes even gusting, that it made Minhee shivered and chattered her teeth as she was sitting on the bus stop seat. Next to her were three handsome young men around her age wearing suit stared down in hollow at their sleek black shoes. Gloomy expression was quite clear from their pale faces. No voice and movement they managed to make. They were too silent for their own good.

Well, it's not like it was important to greet strangers, anyway. But Minhee couldn't help it. Those three men's expression made her feeling so much uncomfortable there. They seemed to be in the total sorrow, making the already gloomy day even gloomier. It just didn't feel right. Minhee thought, she had to do something about it.

"Umm, excuse me." Minhee tried to get their attention, which was successful, totally successful. The three men looked at her at the same time. Their eyes were red and tired. Their pale white faces were expressionless, giving the strange chilling effect to Minhee's spine.

"I - I just want to share candies. Wanna have some?" She stuttered as she handed out a small light blue pouch to the man with one black earring who sat right on her left side. The man accepted it, took out a candy from it then let his friends took one as well. Thereafter, he handed the pouch back to Minhee.

"Thanks." The three men said in unison. Minhee was a bit startled by their different colors of voice being mixed all at once. It's kind of pleasing to hear yet eerie at the same time. Thanks to their monotone voice and expressionless face.

"Oh! You're welcome." Minhee smiled awkwardly. Well, her attempt to break the silence in the air just went in vain eventually. The men made her even more uneasy with their further silence. Having no idea of what to do about them anymore, Minhee took a candy and eat it delightfully. The flavor of the candy is her favorite.

"It's strawberry!" All of a sudden, the man with small eyes and probably the shortest one among the three exclaimed cheerfully. Well, note it! The man. Exclaimed. Cheerfully. Then again, his friends followed suit.

"It's orange!" said the earring man.

"It's grape!" said the long-legged man.

"And it's apple!" Minhee cheerfully exclaimed as well. The men stared at Minhee for the second time. But this time, the corner of their mouths twitched. A good smile was slowly curving each of their handsome face. Minhee beamed back at them.

"Do you like the candies?" She asked.

"Very much! It's my favorite! My girl always..." The man with small eyes suddenly stopped talking.

"Nothing." He looked down. His friends sitting at either side of him patted him on the back.

"I will miss harvesting grape with my older sister." The guy owning the longest legs said as he forced an awkward cheeky smile.

"Ahaha, I will miss having my mom send me orange as well. I hope she is doing alright." The one with earring chuckled with his high-pitched voiced.

"Are guys okay?" Minhee asked worriedly as the gloomy atmosphere lingering those three men once again.

"We are going to be okay. Don't worry. Thanks for the candies and for talking with us." The long-legged man said while showing an assuring smile.

"No problem. I'm glad I can - " Before Minhee could finish talking, someone called her name. She then looked away from the three men only to find her crush was already standing before her.

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