11. Now, I remember

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It was a precious night. Surprise, flowers, cakes, and kiss. Minhee loved them all. As much as she wanted to express how grateful she was to the one giving her all those things, the very person had to go, leaving her standing unmoved. Right, Minhee just stood in silence with empty eyes staring at the doorway.

Minutes after, without her realizing, tears slowly slid down her cheeks. Her lips were trembling, bearing the sudden pain struck inside her chest. The pain felt so unbearable like a freshly opened bloody-wound. It was hurtful. Yet Minhee couldn't do anything about it. Her body was numb, paralized.

"Luhan." Minhee sniffled. "What do you do to me? Why does it hurt here?" She finally fell down to the floor. Her hands were clutching tightly onto her pajama top. Getting even more painful, she patted on her chest with her fist. Unfortunately it didn't work at all. Even worse, her head began to spin and there came this maddening headache attacking her head. At this state, Minhee caught her breath so hard that she had to struggle supplying oxygen for her lung, just to stay conscious.

"Mommy! Are you alright?" It was definitely the worst timing, Minhee thought. She shouldn't have suffered from this regular pain of hers when Jihyun was around. After about 4 months recovering from this weird symptoms, why did it have to come back this time? Minhee was seriously frustrated with this situation.

"Jihyun." She called out to the little girl.

"Mommy! What happened mommy?" Jihyun couldn't help but bursting down in tears seeing Minhee frowning and whimpering in pain. She knelt down beside Minhee who was laying on the floor and held Minhee's fingers with her shivering small hands.

"Jihyun, don't cry. Mommy will be alright." Minhee assured her with a small smile.

"Mommy! What should I do?" The little girl gripped Minhee's hands tighter.

"Please wait, my dear. I'll get better soon." And Minhee returned the grip with the gentle squeeze. She then closed her eyes and slowly controlled her breathing.

"Please don't be sick mommy. Daddy always tells stories about mommy and now Jihyun is happy to finally see mommy. So, please don't be sick mommy. Jihyun want to be happy with mommy." Jihyun sniffled. She couldn't stop crying. Looking at Minhee helplessly lay on the floor made her sad and scared.

"Jihyun. Your daddy. He told you about me?" Minhee opened her eyes back. She was surprised with what Jihyun said. It was quite strange. How did Luhan know about her, when he only met her recently? Her headache was threatening as she thought hard about that information.

"Yup." Jihyun nodded. A sad face was still there.

"Did he tell you before we meet each other, Jihyun?" Minhee asked further. And Jihyun nodded for the second time.

"Daddy always tells that Jihyun have a mommy, her name is Shin Minnie and she is very beautiful. Daddy always tells Jihyun to be patient and wait to see mommy." Jihyun managed to say what she remembered about what her daddy always told her in between her sniffle.

"I think I remember who you are, Jihyun." Minhee placed her cold hand on Jihyun's cheek, caressed it gently as she showed the little girl her loving eyes.

"You remember me, mommy?"

"Yeah, I do. You are my daughter, Jihyun."

Minhee kept looking at Jihyun and showing her a smile. But, the more Minhee looked at Jihyun the more memories flashing back and forth. Those memories were flooding her mind at once making her head felt like spinning around and going to burst into pieces.

- Flashback on-

"Aww who's this beautiful baby?" Minhee smiled at a baby Luhan handed her.

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