10. I think I'm ready for love

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That day, when Minhee let Luhan rest himself for a while by lending him her shoulder, was not ended quite well. Minhee suddenly realized that she was being too close in proximity with Luhan and so she backed away making him jolted in surprise. Didn’t know what was best to do afterwards, they just smiled awkwardly at each other and went together to fetch Jihyun.

The awkwardness between Minhee and Luhan went on that even after several days later the atmosphere surrounding the two of them were not getting any better. Minhee still could not bring herself together whenever she met Luhan. Even though they always met every day starting from having breakfast together in her apartment, having lunch together, and even dinner together, Minhee always tried her best to avoid talking or even making eye contact with Luhan. The reason? She was overwhelmed with her own feeling. She didn’t know how to express herself.

As for Luhan, the fact that Minhee acted uncomfortably around him surely made him regretted to have ever confessed his feeling for her in the first place. Without Minhee knowing, Luhan was not experiencing the better situation either. But even so, Luhan still tried his best to act normal and hid his true feeling just so he would not trouble Minhee any further.

“Hello doctor Minnie. Finished checking up the patient?” Luhan welcomed Minhee with his usual sweet smile, as she came out of a patient’s room.

“Oh! Yeah!” Minhee exclaimed in surprise. She didn’t expect Luhan to suddenly appear for real before her. Well, not after thinking about him non-stop, all day long.

“Can you take me to where Jihyun is, please?” Luhan’s expression was always calm as ever. But Minhee, she was completely nervous. Her smile was uneven and wry.

“Oh sure! She’s with Minki in my office. I’m about to go there to take her to lunch.” She even talked so fast and a little too loud beyond her control and that was thanks to her crazily fluctuating beating heart.

“Then, shall we go together?” Then here we had Luhan, who smiled for the nth time acting as if he didn’t notice how Minhee struggled to even stand up on her two own feet, when he was around. Well, Luhan was just trying to act normal. But too bad, even the normal Luhan didn’t make Minhee feel any better. Just by noticing his existence, Minhee’s body was immediately tensed like a statue. Now, now, it was Minhee’s internal problem, indeed. She needed some time to ensure herself to be ready for loving him – for loving Luhan.

“Doctor Minnie, are you with me?” Luhan who was still standing in front of Minhee, bending his head forward to check on Minhee’s blank expression.

“Doctor Minnie....” Luhan waved his hand in front of Minhee’s face, this time. And oh! It worked. She’s back from her reverie.

“Oh yeah, let’s go!” Minhee exclaimed and made a sudden imbalance stomp with her bright pink stilettos. And Bam! Her butt kissed the floor.

“Ouch!” She groaned in pain. And looking at her broken heels, Minhee just groaned even more desperately.

“Doctor Minnie, tell me where it hurts!” Luhan squatted down in front of Minhee and checked on her leg immediately. A purely worried expression was painted on his face. He couldn’t careless with his normal act anymore. He was freaking worried about the girl he loved.

“It’s just my right ankle. Don’t worry, doctor, whooaaaaaaa!” Minhee made a loud scream unintentionally, making all people stared at her in annoyance. She was a doctor in there, yet she did inappropriate behavior. Minhee felt embarrassed with that. But, seriously, how could she control herself when Luhan suddenly carried her in his arms? She might as well faint in a moment. But no, that would be even more embarrassing, Minhee thought. So, she decided to survive, even with having a hard time for breathing.

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