4. Why do I have to notice this ghost?

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It's been a lot of fun having little Jihyun home. Minhee could not deny that feeling. No matter how tired her heart could be after knowing the fact that Jihyun was Luhan's daughter, Minhee just couldn't hate her. She had never been able of hating anyone. When it came to letting hard feelings go, Minhee was sure one of its masters. Anyhow, just how could Minhee hate the cute yet sweet little girl like Jihyun? She loved Jihyun as soon as she saw her for the first time. Anyway, Minhee was just born to love children, with no exception.

"Do you like my treasures?"

"Yup! They are so yummy!"

"Aww. Eat more, sweetie."

"Yup! I want to eat your cooking everyday doctor Minnie. I love it!"

"Oh!" Minhee was startled by Jihyun's words. How could Minhee possibly fulfill the little girl request? She was just a mere friend of Luhan, and it was quite awkward to offer him and his little daughter foods every day. But then again, Jihyun was pleading. Those chubby crimson cheeks. Those marble-like eyes. And those small pouting lips. All of them made Minhee's heart melt away.  

"Doctor Minnie, please cook for me and daddy every day. Daddy cannot cook foods as yummy as Doctor Minnie's foods."

"But Jihyun, I cannot..." Minhee tried to reason, but she paused looking at little Jihyun's desperate expression.

"Please..." Jihyun pleaded even further. This time she even blinked her eyes rapidly while clutching onto Minhee's hands with her small ones. At this moment, Jihyun's look was too cute to resist. Minhee was highly suggested to just give up. And, she did it.

"Alright, sweetheart. I will make breakfast and lunch box for you every day. And for dinner, you can just come here with your daddy. Love the idea?"

"Yup! I love it! Yaaayyy!" Jihyun bounced up and down on her seat excitedly that little did she know she almost fell from the chair. Her short legs which barely reached the floor just couldn't help.

"Be careful Jihyun!" Minhee cried in horror. Little Jihyun was going to definitely hit the floor this time. She definitely lost her balance. But then, nothing happened afterwards. Jihyun stayed back on the chair miraculously. Something was off, really off.

"Are you alright Jihyun?" Asked Minhee as she knelt down, looking up at Jihyun who was a little bit shocked from the previous incident.

"Yeah, I'm fine doctor Minnie." She smiled.

"You almost fell. Please don't bounce up and down like that ever again, Jihyunie. Promise?"

"Emmh!" Jihyun nodded with a smile.

"Good girl."

Minhee smiled dryly at Jihyun, as she could feel something was watching her and Jihyun all along. Even worse, when Jihyun was about to fall, Minhee was so sure that she saw something moving rapidly with the sudden gust of wind, making Jihyun safe from falling. That gave Minhee goosebumps. Minhee didn't feel safe at her own apartment at the moment. It's best for her and Jihyun to go out for a while, Minhee thought.

"Jihyun, it's a nice day. How about going out for shopping? We can buy some nice stuffs for you."

"But, I want a cake more than anything, Doctor Minnie."

"Sure. Anything you want my dear."





Minhee thought by running away from her apartment, everything would feel alright. Unfortunately, that idea was completely wrong. Right after she was out, that 'thing' kept following her and its form was more vivid by the time. Minhee could see that the 'thing' had a good shape like human. And even, the face was not bad. Well, it was handsome, to be honest. But, the 'thing' was totally bothering. Minhee could see with her very own eyes that it was floating in the air. She tried very hard to ignore it. But this 'thing' kept on staying very closely to Jihyun. That was bad enough. Minhee was more than worried. Especially when this 'thing' suddenly let out a question directly addressed to her.

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