16. The night of goodbye

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"You're feeling alright?" Luhan looked at Minhee with his soft gaze, hand cupping her cheek.

"Yeah." She lowered her head, avoiding her husband's eyes.

"Great. For now, just lie back on the bed, and go to sleep. Give yourself a rest, Minhee."

"But I can't sleep." She shook her head. "Not when I finally remember all the things I've been forgetting all this time, Luhan." She finally caught the eyes of her husband with her teary ones, admitting her vulnerability as she was forced to come to terms with the bitter memories rushing back to her without notice, all at once.

"So, wanna tell me about them all?" Luhan put his hand on her shoulder, giving her an assuring squeeze. His eyes looked deeper into hers, trying to delve into the sadness possessing her soul that he was eager to crush to pieces once and for all.

"I have to." Minhee nodded. "And I want you to help me."

"And that's what I'm here for, Doctor Minnie." Luhan poked Minhee's nose with his finger before he scooted closer, and adjusted his cross-legged sitting position on the bed right in front of Minhee. "So, what do you remember exactly?"

"I remember all of them. Especially, about that night. The night when I lost everything. When I lost you, Jihyun, my brother, and our..." She closed her eyes for a while. "And our Minnie."


Flashback on


"You've met Sehun yet?" Asked Minhee through the phone right after she put baby Jihyun - Sehun's daughter, to sleep.

"Excited much, Minnie eomma?" Luhan chuckled as he tapped playfully on the steering wheel. He was feeling so much entertained listening to the cheery voice of his wife coming from the earphone.

"Can't help it, right Minnie?" Minhee grinned as she looked at her baby bump and stroked on it lovingly.

"Don't worry. Just give me 15 minutes and I'll take that silly brother back to you."

"Just take care and drive safely, Luhan. Call me once you've arrived, kay?"

"Aye Minnie eomma!" With that cue, Luhan sped off through the evening traffic. After all, he was excited to have his wife reunited with her brother who has also been like a real brother to him for like forever, since their unfortunate but turned out to be fortunate encounter a long time ago.

As soon as he pulled his car to the parking area in front of Sehun's photo studio, Luhan immediately went out of the car and jogged towards the main entrance.

"What happened to this place?" Luhan inspected the broken digital door lock of the glass door. Curious, he pushed the door opened and entered the studio while taking the careful steps in the process.

"Anybody here?" When there was no one answering, Luhan kept walking, eyes wandering to all directions, trying to get a clue of what causing the broken door lock.

"What the..." Luhan's eyes widened as he noticed drops of fresh blood on the floor. There must be something wrong going on here right before he came. Luhan was so sure of that.

"Sehun! Where are you?" Already thinking of the worst case scenario inside his head, Luhan hastily followed the traces of blood while shouting his younger brother-in-law's name repeatedly. "Sehun! Answer me! Where are you, Sehun?"

"Hyung..." A weak voice was heard right when Luhan reached the kitchen area of the studio. At the sudden realization of this very familiar voice, Luhan frantically scanned the area, so much eager to immediately locate the voice owner.

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