14. Uncles' protection

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Another morning came. Jihyun was escorted by her mother and father to school again. She was super excited. Everybody could tell from her sparkling eyes and smiley face. She even couldn't stop singing to her favorite Pororo song during her ride to school. And once she arrived in front of the school gate, she just couldn't resist herself from jumping up and down like an energetic little rabbit and squealing with her dolphin-like voice. She was utterly cute! Luhan and Minhee couldn't stop grinning looking at their little girl.

"Excited much Jihyunie?" Luhan crouched down to Jihyun's level and poked her on the tip of her nose.

"Yup! I love school!"

"Whoaa, so you love school more than daddy now?"

"Umm..." Jihyun darted her eyes away from Luhan before she said, "Yup!" She then grinned, making Luhan pouted. But soon, the pout changed into a sheepish smile and the tickling attack began.

"Aaaakkk!" Jihyun shrieked because of the sudden poke on her waist. She was ticklish there.

"You sure you love school more, now?" Luhan grinned. He continued poking Jihyun's waist with his fingers, making Jihyun laughed even more uncontrollably.

"Ahahaha stop daddy stop!" She wriggled while slapping Luhan's hands. But too bad, that was not enough effort to make Luhan stop.

"No, daddy won't stop unless you say you love daddy more."

"Nope. I love school more!"

"JIHYUNIE..." Luhan placed his hands by the side of his waist and made his voice hushkier like the sound of a dinosaur (not even close actually), just to make Jihyun scared of him.

But then, "DADDY...." Jihyun mimicked his roar perfectly.

"Hey... what was that for? You're not scared with me, Jihyunie?"

"Nope. You're not scary, daddy.... you're funny... hahahaha." Successful in making her father frowned, Jihyun ran away. She rotated around her father's car while laughing non-stop.

"Hey... Come here, Jihyunie.... Daddy will tickle you again."

"No no no.... you can't catch me, daddy.... hahaha."

While Jihyun was busy running around while joking with Luhan, Minhee noticed her three spirit-friends approaching. As promised, they were ready to be guardian-uncles for the day. They would make sure Jihyun to be safe from her teacher-Kim Taehyung whom they believed was a bad guy.

"You guys here." Minhee threw her smile at the three floating spirits who were weirdly wearing casual black and grey sweaters completed with black jeans. They no longer wore suit like when they first met Minhee in the bus stop or white pajama they usually wore in the hospital. It seemed that they were ready for an outing today. They even had new clothes on them. But how they got those clothes was such a mystery. Maybe spirits could go shopping too.

"We're ready for the duty, ma'am." Chanyeol replied with a serious tone while showing a salute pose, exactly like a police getting an order from his captain. Well, he was indeed a police after all.

"Yeah, you can count on us. In case something bad happens, we'll inform you soon." Baekhyun explained as serious as Chanyeol, only he did that with a higher pitch and of course without a salute.

As for Jongdae, "no big deal." That's all what he said while waving his hand and smiled lazily afterwards.

"Alright, please take care of Jihyun then." Minhee chuckled. To think that the three male spirits were so determined about babysitting a five-year old girl was somehow amusing. Minhee still could not imagine how they will take care of Jihyun for as long as she knew those spirits, what they did was only floating in the air or talking to her under the tree right in front of her office room. They didn't seem to have any special power with them, or they did?

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