How Can You Help A Guy Like Me

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Jade's P.O.V

My friend and I were walking to our lockers when I caught eye contact with a guy named Niall Horan. That blonde hair blue eyed devil stared right at me. I looked away and went around the corner. Niall had always been suspended or got detention all the time. He never seems to learn. Niall was such an ass, he was constantly bullying my friend Bella for her Dyslexia. I was sick and tired of arguing with him all the time. But I always wondered what his soft side was,if he even had one. Even tho Niall is a total jerk to me I still wanna know who is this person.

Niall's P.O.V

There she was Jade West, the goody two shoes. I don't know what it is but when I see her I get so angry and start to pick with her friends. Then I always end up arguing with her. I bet she probably hates me by now. I hate myself, I've had family issues my whole life. I always lucked out on exes. I even turned to drinking and smoking pot. I hated my life and I probably always will. Even tho I pick with Jade's friends, I want to know her. There's this ray of sunshine around her. And that's something that brightens my day. Woah! Hold on, did I actually say that out loud. By now I was heading to chemistry class. I sat in a seat a few seats back from Jade's. I don't really do anything in that class. I just watch her as she takes notes or raises her hand to answer questions that I will never comprehend. After class I dodged right out there and out to the parking lot. I got into my car and sighed, suddenly I was startled when Jade opened my door and got into the passenger seat. "Uh can I help you" I asked coldly. "Drive" she said. "Do I look like your personal chauffeur" I said . "I'm not asking you to drop me off anywhere we need to talk , so drive" she said. "Whatever, guess we'll talk" I said and started the car. I drove to a state park ,I planned to ditch her there. But we got into yet another petty argument. I went to walk away but ended up tripping over a stick in the ground. With reflex I went to reach forward to catch myself but the only thing in front of me was Jade. We both fell with a grunt. Jade fell on top of me and looked down at me. My heart thumped and I suddenly got nervous. I didn't like the feeling and pushed Jade off and got up. "Are you okay" Jade asked with concern. "I'm fine, come on let's go" I said and stared to walk towards the car. I took Jade home and I didn't leave mine for days. One day there was a knock on my front door. I had just gotten out of the shower so all I had was a towel on. I looked out the window next to the door and saw Jade standing there. I opened the door and backed up. She stepped in and shut the door. "What are you doing here" I asked. "I wanted to see if you're okay" she said. "Me? Really? Since when do you care" I said. "I always had" said Jade. Then I bursted out laughing. "That's cute"I said. "I have"said Jade walking close to me. I cleared my throat and sighed. "I'm gonna get dressed, wait here" I said and I went to my room. I shut the door and leaned against it. "Since when, why didn't you tell me before, why now" I asked the questions to myself. I was so confused. She's never been this concerned. I just wished I knew before, I know I say she's this and that all the time but I was hiding behind a persona, guarding my heart. But in reality I really like her, and tonight I finally found out she felt the same. I got dressed and went back out to the living room. I saw Jade looking out the window. "You're right" I said making her look at me. "Right about what"she asked. "About me, behind all this I'm just a scared little boy, truth is I'm afraid" I said. Jade walked up to me, she grabbed my red cheeks and had me look at her. I sighed deeply just as Jade leaned forward and kissed me. I didn't want it to end, the sweetest kiss ever placed on my lips. I looked at Jade who had a few tears down her face. I wiped them and held hand that laid against my chest. "Let me help you please" she said. How could she help someone like me. Was I really worth it. Here she stood in my arms, tears down her face asking me if she could help me.

Jade's P.O.V
Here I stood in Niall Horan's practically begging him to let me help him. I really do care about him and I've fallen for him harder and harder over time as we spent more and more time together. We soon became inseparable. I knew all his perfections and imperfections. How he crinkles his nose as he laughed. How he blushes when you tell him how cute he is. He hates it when you tease him. He always wants to see a smile on your face. He'll do anything to see it,even if it means him making a fool out of himself in public. He truly has become Niall James Horan.

Niall's P.O.V
It was movie night with Jade. She was putting in Grease the movie as I walked in with a bowl of popcorn. I sat on the couch, I watched Jade walk over and sat down. She laid her legs over my one leg. There she was, my best friend looking at me with the biggest smile on her face. I chuckled and put my hand on her thigh. She grabbed it and intertwined our hands. Jade and I watched the movie together, enjoying each other's company. I wouldn't have this any other way. She's mine even tho we haven't claimed each other yet. She's still mine.

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