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Niall's P.O.V

The lads,Jade,Selena,Bella,and I had decided to go camping for two weeks. This should be fun campfires and tents. I watch Jade pack her bag for the trip. She made me giggle as she made faces trying to figure out which shirt to take or whether or not she needed her one shoes. "Need help" I asked."I doubt you know anything about girl clothes" she told me. I got up from her bed and went to her closet and grabbed a shirt and pants. I walked back to her and handed them to her."Try this" I told her. She looked at a grey shirt and light green pants I picked."What,....huh....what" she said. "Yeah,that's what you get for underestimating me" I said pointing my finger at her."Its not nice to point your finger" she said. "Did I hurt your feelings,baby" I asked touching her arm."Alittle" she spoke with a smirk. I smiled and tickled her sides. She giggled and pushing my hands away. "Come on lovebirds let's hit the road" said Zayn standing in the door way. Jade and looked up."We're coming" I said and he disappear from the door. "Ready,love" I asked."Yeah" she said putting her bag on her shoulder and went to walk around me but I stopped her."Uh no,I'm carrying that" I said grabbing her bag. "Why can't I" she asked."Just be thankful that you got a gentleman for a boyfriend" I told her and kissed her forehead. "Now let's go" I nudged her. She walked out followed by me....

Jade's P.O.V

As Niall and I walked out of the apartment building, I saw Zayn putting bags in the back of his truck. Niall went ahead of me and handed Zayn my bag." Hey" said Selena and Bella jumping at me scaring me. "You ready to go camping" Bella asked. "Yeah" I said. "Okay so you,me,Niall are sitting in the back and Zayn,Selena,and Harry are in the front,Liam and Louis are following us behind" said Bella."You just seemed to have everything in check" I said."Yeah I do" I said."ooooo,guess who I go out with" Selena said with excitement. "Who" I asked jumping up."Zedd" she brusted. Bella and I jumped up dancing."I knew it" I yelled. "Boys looking" said Selena."Play it cool" said Bella as they leaned against the truck and folded thier arms. They did it so fast they closed the truck door onnmy finger."Ow! Ow! Ow!" I yelped. Selena and Bella gasped and opened the door. I pulled my finger out and it was red and burised."You okay" asked Niall jogging to me and gently grabbed my hand to look at it. "It'd be okay,you just burised it" said Niall looking at me."We're so sorry Jade, we were trying to act cool for the boys" said Selena with a worried look so did Bella."Its okay" I said."Let's go " yelled Zayn to everyone and we all piled in. As we were on the highway when suddenly Niall got bored and started to sing along with the radio. 5 seconds of summer was playing....

You look so perfect standing there in my American appeal underwear and I know now that I'm so down, hey,heeeyyy,heeeyyy

Zayn and Harry giggled as they listened to Niall sing

Got your ripped skinny jeans right on the floor

"Do you Niall,do you have Jade's ripped skinny jeans on your floor" asked Harry. I raised my eyebrows and Niall stopped singing."You're such an idiot" said Niall."Oh thank you" said Harry. I rolled my eyes and sat back to talk to Bella. We finally got to the campground and immediately started to set up the tents. Zayn and Harry did one,Liam and Louis did one, Niall and I did one,and Selena and Bella did one. Selena and Bella were having a hard time with their's, Niall and I helped them after we finshed ours. After we settle in we sat down on the pinic table and had lunch. Later Niall took me on a hike with him."Its getting dark shouldn't we turn back" I asked."What are you scared" he teased."Stop it" I said squeezing his hand. "Don't worry love,I just want to show you something " he said leading me to where it sounded like water. "Niall" I whined."Its okay" he hushed me and showed me a waterfall that glistened in the moonlight...."Whoa" I said and stared at the water. Then I heard a splash and it startled me. Niall had jumped in."Niall James Horan are you crazy" I yelled. "Little bit" he yelled back. I was nervous around the water and I started to shake."Oh...I can't Niall I can't" I whimpered. "You can't do what" he sound concerned."the water----" I was interrupted by me screaming when a piece of rock under my foot gave. "Whoa" Niall yelled and I heard him get out of the water. I was breathing heavy and slowly backed away from the waterfall and saw Niall behind me."Come on baby,let's go back" he said grabbing my hand. After he changed,we sat by the fire with the others. Niall had brought his guitar and started to sing...

I'm like a crow on a wire,you're the shining distraction that makes me fly,I'm like a boat on the water,you're the raise on the waves calm my mind,oh everytime

Then Harry started....

But I know in my heart,you're not a constant star

Suddenly all the boys began to sing....

And yeah,I let you use me from the day we first met,but I'm not done yet falling for you,fool's gold,and I know that you turn it on for everyone you met,but I don't regret,falling for you,fool's gold

I'm the first to admit I'm reckless
I get lost in your beauty and I can't see two feet infront of me


And I know in my heart you're just a moving part


And yeah,I let you use me from the day we first met,but I'm not done yet,falling for you,fool's gold,but I don't regret,falling for you,fool's gold


Yeah I know your love's not real, that's not the way it feels, that's not the way you feel


And yes,I let you use me from the day we first met,but I'm not done yet,falling for you,fool's gold, and I know that you turn it on for everyone you met,but I don't regret,falling for you,fool's gold..

I really liked that song and Niall could tell and kept playing his gutair. After 2 in the morning everyone went to thier tents. Zayn and Harry in one tent,Selena and Bella in another, Liam and Louis in another,and Niall and I had one to ourselves. No later than 3 Selena and Bella come running in with their stuff. I moved from Niall's chest to look at them."What is you doing" I asked."There's something in our tent" whispered Selena."What" I asked."Look like a raccoon" said Bella. I sighed and carefully leaned over Niall who was fast asleep to grab a flashlight and went out with Selena and Bella to thier tent. They left opened and I flashed the light inside and laughed."Oh my gosh guys" I said and went in to grab a fake raccoon. "You guys couldn't tell the difference between a real raccoon to a fake one." I said holding the raccon to them. "Oh" said Bella."Probably the boys planted it there" said Selena." I wouldn't doubt that a bit" I said and threw the raccoon to the ground and then heard laughing."Come here Zayn and Louis" I said realizing it was them. They came out behind the tent laughing."Classic" I said picking the raccoon up and threw it at them. "O know right,that was so funny" said Louis catching the raccoon. Selena and Bella grabbed thier stuff and put it in their tents. "Jade" I heard Niall say sleepily. I turned to see him walking to me rubbing his eye. "What are you doing out here" he asked. "Zayn and Louis played the raccoon trick on Selena and Bella" I said. "Oh wow,don't they got anything better to do" he said."Apparently not" I said. Then we all frozen when we heard a twig snap. "Zayn is that you" I asked. "No,I didn't move,neither did Louis" said Zayn. Then we heard the snap again and we all jolted for our tents. Niall and I were able to fall asleep easy in each others arms. Around 10 this morning Niall had woke me in the sweetest way. He touched my cheek and left kisses on my shoulder. "Morning babe" he said in my ear. I smirked before opening my eyes. "Hi Nialler" I said and he smirked....

Niall's P.O.V

Jade and I got out of the tent and sat on the pinic table with Selena and Zayn,everyone else was still asleep. "You're actully up" I asked Selena. "Yeah,crazy huh" she said rubbing her eye with her palm."Uh Sel,isn't that Zedd" I asked pointing to a person walking towards us. Selena looked up and gasped."Zedd!" She sqeaked and hugged him. I nudged Jade,she seemed zoned. She looked at me and smirked " You alright" I asked. "Yeah,I just slept funny" she said rubbing her neck."Here" I said and started to rub her neck with my index finger and thumb."Thank you" she said to me. I smiled and kissed her shoulder." Of course,anything for my Lil Princess" I said and she giggled.

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