The Deadline

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Niall's P.O.V

I was half asleep in the hospital chair which wasn't very comfortable,but I couldn't leave Jade alone. By now it was 3 in the morning and Jade was already asleep. She didn't look so good,her eyes had dark circles under them and her caramel skin was pale. I hated to see my baby in this state. How could I miss how depressed she was? How could I miss her taking pills?! Oh god,I can't,I can't lose her again. No No No...... I finally was able to fall asleep in the most uncomfortable position. My head on the wooden rail with one leg over the other rail and my other leg streached out to the floor. Later that day like around 10,someone woke up with a jerk. I gasped and sat up straight. Ow! Did my back hurt!! I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the person it was Harry. " OH Harry,don't do that you scared me" I said. Harry snickered."Sorry,but Jade wanted you" he told me." About what" I asked." I think you should hear it from her" he said and left the room. I looked confused and saw Jade sitting on the edge of the bed just about in tears. I saw Zayn was comforting her as he sat next to her,whispering something to her. I stood up and streached my sore back out. Zayn looked up and saw me,his face was pale and his eyes were full of sorrow. What the hell did I miss? "What's going on" I asked." Zayn stood up and I made I contact with Jade."I'll be outside the room with Harry,just tell him, it's okay" Zayn told Jade before leaving. Jade weakly smiled at me and patted the seat next to her." We need to talk" she said. Suddenly I was scared and slowly sat next to her rubbing my thighs. "What's wrong" I asked." Well now that both my parents are security called and told me that I am going to be put in a foster home." She told me."Well that's good right,I mean I still get to see you right" I said. There was dead silence for her."right" I repeated. Then tears streamed her face and she sniffled before looking at me." No,the foster home they want to put me in his out of state" she told me. Tears started to form my eyes." What" I said almost in a whisper. "Niall,look" she said handing me a piece of paper."What's this" I asked. "My Dad's will, he wants you to take care of me" she said. "Me" I questioned." You" she told me.i looked down at the paper and indeed I was in his will in the second paragraph. "If anything happens to me,I want Niall Horan to take care of my little girl. He the most sweetest,most generous person I ever want to take care of my baby. I'm against foster homes and I don't want my daughter in there,she doesn't belong there, she belongs to be with someone who cares so much about her and will go there hell for her. Niall take care of my little girl" I read in tears." He doesn't want me in a foster home,he wants me with you, I want to be with you" she said crying in my shoulder." We have to do something" I cried to her. "Like what" she asked looking me dead in the eyes. "We have to fight" I told her. "How" she asked. I sighed. " I don't know" I said,then I felt overwhelmed. "I need air,please excuse me" I said and ran out of the room and out the hospital. I sat on a bench in tears gasping for air. I put my hand on the back of my neck and put my head down. " I have to do something,I have to do something" I repeated over and over,until am idea popped in my head and I took off for my car....

Jade's P.O.V

Zayn and Harry walked back into the room bewildered. "What" I asked." Why did Niall run off" Zayn asked. " I think he was overwhelmed" I said. Zayn sat next to me and grabbed my hand." He'll be okay" he told me."I hope so" I said. I felt Harry put his hand on my shoulder and I turned to look at him."I promise" he said. I smirked and then Zayn pulled me into a bear hug. "We're take care of you,no one will take you away,I won't let them" said Zayn." I love you guys" I said." We love you too babe" said Harry rubbing my back. Then a heard a familiar sigh. I looked up to see Niall." Niall" I said and hugged him. Where have you been the past 2 hours" I asked. "Somewhere" he said with a smirk. "What, Niall,you have a secret and that's not allowed" I said. "Says who" he said walking past me and whispered something to Zayn and Harry. Huge grin went upon there faces." What" I sqeaked. They all just stared at me with the stupidest grins. I groaned and plopped back on the bed. Now I was mad that no one with tell me.

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