Last Minute

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Zayn's P.O.V

I saw that Niall was having a rough time already. He usually stays in one area,most of the time alone. I happen to be sitting next to him in the front watching him,he was on his phone staring at pictures of him and Jade....Jade mostly. It was just about heartbreaking watching Niall act this way. But he has to be use to being away from Jade for long periods of time,if we ever make it big. He could tell he stays up most of the night,cause he takes little naps during the day. Today was the last day on the plane before landing in UK. But at the last possible moment,Niall had a breakdown."Niall,it's okay" I tried to tell him. "You'll see her soon" said Harry. "How soon can it be,not soon enough for me" he whined. "Come Niall,we have to get off the plane now" I said. He got up and walked off the plane with the rest of us. We grabbed our bags and got a taxi to our hotel. Harry and Liam shared one room and Louis,Niall,and I shared the other room. Niall was sitting on one of the beds, face buried in his hands....

Niall's P.O.V

I rubbed my eyes from being tired and for crying. Stupid jet lag! I looked at my phone and saw that my time changed. How the fuck am I suppose to know when I can call Jade. Can anything else get worse. After I told the lads about the time wise. "They told me the USA was 5 hours behind us,so not that big of a different. This is so off. Ugghhh!! Everything is so damn complicated! I checked the time and saw it was 8 at night. I have to wait a half hour to make sure she was clear of school. I can't wait,why am I so impatient. I stared to wiggle and get restless. I walked back and forth of the hotel room,clapping my hands and snapping my fingers. I was sure I was annoying Zayn and Louis at this point. "What is wrong with you" Zayn asked me. " I'm impatient" I said. Louis snickered "He's waiting for 9:30 to come around so he call his "Princess" " said Louis. I gave Louis a look,I was in a good mood at all."Whoa, what's with that face" he said looking. "He probably has jet lag,he didn't sleep well on the plane" said Zayn." I can see that"said Louis."Go call Jade,it's 9:30" Zayn to me. I checked my phone.......FINALLY! I went out to the balcony and called Jade.

How does the stars look out there Nialler

(Chuckles) how did you know it's night here.

Well you are 5 hours ahead of me,I figured that out,the day after you left.

Hmmm, I just found out today.

Awe,you poor thing

Hey,don't tease

(Giggles ) why not you're not here to stop know this house is very quiet,I could enjoy these 6 months....... alone

Stop it,you know you won't

You're right,I won't,it's to quiet without a certin Irish babe here

Smile* you talking about Zayn right

Snorts* hardly,now look who's teasing.

Yeah,me duuuhh,so what have you been doing

Nothing really,been home,the girls came to see me,and Jason tries sitting with me on his breaks from work.

Does it help


Its not any better over here either

Snickers* when is your first tryout?

2 days,the lads and I have to rehearse all day tomorrow

Sing your heart baby

Of course...

See you soon right

Yeah,see you soon

I tried not to tear up

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