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Niall's P.O.V

It was around 10,when the lads and I decided to go in the back of the plane and lay down on the beds. I curled in a corner with my hoodie up and a blanket up to my chin. Louis was laying next to me and he was half a sleep until Harry comes stomping in,startling us."What is your problem " Louis asked. "Nothing" said Harry laying on the other bed next to Zayn and Liam. "Then why were you stomping" Zayn asked."I don't know,I just did" strugged Harry."Well knock it off,we're trying to sleep,Niall gonna have a hard time as it is,don't make it worse" hissed Liam."Soorryy" Harry whined and laid down. But Liam was right,I did have a hard time sleeping,all I could think about is Jade and leaving her behind. The next morning I woke up before anyone else did,so I checked my phone and saw I had WiFi. "Awesome" I whispered and got on Facebook and messaged Jade hoping she was on....

Hey Princess, I miss you already!

Awe I miss you too Nialler ♡

This plane ride is so boring without you

When does it land?

Not until another 2 days,but we do have to stop for gas....

2 days? That sounds long

Oh it is,the hours are sooo slow

Sorry :(

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