Candlelight burned-out

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Niall's P.O.V

I woke up the next day with an empty bedside,but when I sat up something plowed into me knocking back on the bed. I groaned and looked to see Jade face to face with me. "Where did you come from" I asked. "Over by my desk,I been up for an hour and a half." She said smiling. "You could have woke me" I told her. "I could have,but you're so cute when you sleep" she said touching my lip with her finger and ran her hands through my hair."Now look at you, you're sexy" she giggled. "With bedhair,yeah I'm real sexy" I said and turned to my side making Jade plop on the bed. I laid my face on a pillow and yawned."What time is it" I asked. "7 something" she told me."I just want to lay here" I whined."Then lay here" she giggled."Cuddle with me please" I asked almost begging. Jade smiled and laid her head on my chest. I rolled to my side so I could look at Jade and she looked at me. I leaned in close and kissed her neck making her giggle. "What is you doing" she asked. I didn't answer and just kissed her sweet spot in the crook of her neck. I heard her whine and I smiled. I leaned up to face her. I chuckled before kissing her on the lips."Tease" Jade whined. "I know,but I'm showing my love to you at the time" I inputted. "Okay,so if you can so can I" she spoke before sitting on my lap and pulling me up by my shirt. Then she took my shirt off and rubbed my neck and chest slowly. I tilted my head back pleased. Her plummed lips tracing my jaw. She giggled "See,I can play too" she said. "Speaking of play" I said pulling her back on the bed.


Jade's P.O.V

Niall fell back asleep,he must a been tired out...hmm I wonder who did that? I walked out to the living room to see Jason searching for something. "What are you looking for" I asked. "My watch" he said moving papers around."Your good one" I asked. "Yeah,it's worth 4,000" he said. "Whoa that's alot" I said."Yeah and mom gave it to me" Jason whined. So I helped him look for his watch when Niall came out holding something. "Hmm..uh" he started but Jason plowed him into a wall."Jason" I yelled running to them."You took it! Why you take my watch!"yelled Jason. "I-I didn't" Niall studdered sounding scared. "Jason" I yelled. But he wouldn't listen,he grabbed the watch from Niall and kicked him out of the house."Jason,he didn't steal it" I yelled at him."Oh so now you're taking his side" yelled Jason."Well yeah cause he didn't anything,why are blaming him for something he didn't do" I yelled. "No I saw him with it,looking at it like he had plans with it" yelled Jason. "Are you crazy,he was confused,he was trying to tell us something when you bulldozed right over him" I yelled."God damn Jade,do you hear yourself,he's got you so twisted" Jason yelled."Twisted? No hell no" I yelled."You're done,you are not to see him anymore" he yelled hurting me from the inside."What, what did you mean I can't see him anymore" I whimpered."You are not allowed to see him and if you do I will call the police" he said angryily."Oh please" I said."You think I'm joking,just wait" said Jason and went to his room. I groaned and tears covered my cheeks. This will not stop me from seeing Niall.......

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