Chapter 2

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I awaken to the sound of whispers and silent crying.

"Oh good, now everyone's awake."

I open my eyes and see that I'm lying on the hard ground of a basement. There are both men and women all of different ages kneeling lined up against one of the longer walls. I'm with them.

My head feels like it's about to crack open at any second, as I slowly sit up.

The basement was quite open, the only furniture were two TV's and chairs on the opposite of where we were, along with an Xbox and Playstation, hooked up to each TV. To the right of us, is the staircase leading out, and to the left is a table covered in different weapons. In front of us though are at least a dozen people in masks. The one who talked, I assume, was the one standing right in front of me, looking down at me through a black ski mask. The way he was standing there and the way he had talked, told me that he was clearly the leader.

"Perfect, perfect, perfect." He bent down, so he was at my eye level. His eyes were a really dark brown, almost black. "You put up quite a fight." He said sarcastically before reaching out and touching the bruise that was growing on my cheek. When I winced, he let out a chuckle and stood back up. "You all must be wondering why you're all here."

"Yeah no shit." I look over to my right to see a dirty blond boy, who was maybe sixteen or seventeen, stare down the guy in the black ski mask.

The black ski mask guy walked slowly over to the boy. "What's your name?"

"Kyle." He responded, still looking pissed off. It looked like he put up a fight. His right eye was black and swollen.

"Well Kyle," Black ski mask reached back, and brought out a pistol from his waistband. "I would suggest you keep your mouth shut." Black ski mask pressed the barrel of the gun against Kyle's forehead. "You understand?"

Kyle looked terrified, but thankfully he nodded his head. Black ski mask took the gun away from his head, and down by his side.

"Alright, so back to what I was saying. You all must be really confused." He looked back down at Kyle, but when Kyle didn't say anything, Black ski mask continued. "Well me and my friends here wanted to play a little game you see, but we got quite bored just playing games as we usually do, so you guys are here." He took a pause, and slowly started walking back and forth along the line, still gun in hand. "The rules are quite simple actually. Each of you,"-he used the gun to gesture to us- "are gonna play a video game of our choice, with one of us. If you lose the game, then we get to kill you, and make the rest watch." He then gestured to the table with the weapons. "But if you somehow miraculously win, then we get to let you go. Alright? Very simple."

He suddenly stopped his pacing. I looked over at who he was looking at, and my heart almost stopped. Four people away from me, to my left, is a little girl around five or six years old. Her brown hair was in two very messy braids at the back of her head, and her face was really red and splotchy from all the crying.

Her mother was right next to her, or at least that's what I thought, she seemed really young, in her early twenties. She also had tears streaming down her cheeks. The only thing keeping her away from her daughter was the knife that was pressed up against her throat.

Black ski mask looked back and forth between them two and then to the woman who was holding the knife. He raised the gun towards the little girl's head. "I assume you're the one who retrieved these two."

"Yes." The woman spoke through the clown mask.

"Why would you get the child? She can't play." Black ski mask asked, through gritted teeth. I could tell he was trying his hardest not to scream at Clown mask.

"I just thought the mother would get killed, so then me and," she jerked her thumb over to the direction of a man in a horse mask, "could take care of the little g-"


Blood and small chunks of the girl's brain splattered up the wall and covered the few people that were near her. She fell down to the ground facing me, and I could see her eyes were still open, but she was definitely dead, I could see right through her head. Blood started pooling out of the hole the bullet had made, creating a huge puddle on the ground. All I could smell was blood and vomit and my ears started ringing.

Over the sounds of the mothers screams and the cries of some of the people, I heard Black ski mask let out a loud laugh. "Now, let the gaming begin."

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