Chapter 5

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Clown mask and Rabbit mask both dragged the mothers broken dead body to the far corner of the room, making enough room for their next victim.

"No one wants to go next?" Black ski mask looked at each of his masked friends before turning towards us. "Alright I'll go." He looked down the line carefully, and then his eyes fell on Kyle and I, and our intertwined hands. Black ski mask slowly made his way over, once in front of us, he bent down and looked back and forth between us, trying to decide which of us to kill first. "I choose you."

Black ski mask ripped Kyle out of my hand, and led him over to the same chair that the mother had sat in. I wouldn't say I was relieved, but the pain in my chest that had been growing, as Black ski mask looked between us, went away slightly.

Kyle's reassuring smile that he had given me, was no longer on his face, he now looked absolutely petrified. It didn't help that Black ski mask still had blood splattered all over him, making him look way more intimidating.

Black ski mask handed Kyle the now slightly bloody Xbox controller. "Me and you are gonna play the same game. The same rules apply, if you lose I get to kill you. M'kay?" He sat down in the other chair, and waited for Kyle to respond.

When Kyle finally nodded his head, Black ski mask picked up his controller and the game started.

Five, four, three, two, one... go.

They both took off. Kyle seemed like he knew what he was doing, because they were both neck and neck throughout the entire race. Not one point did Black ski mask get an upper hand over Kyle, but nor did Kyle get one over him. Black ski mask was starting to get a little pissed off as the game went on, and everyone was watching intently as they got to the home stretch.

I could see the sweat dripping off of Kyle as he pressed the buttons as fast as possible. They were both beside each other as they crossed the finish line, and it took the screens a moment to register who had won. I almost screamed when I did see who had won.

Not a sad scream or a scared scream, but a scream of joy. Kyle's screen was flashing, WINNER, and Black ski mask, LOSER.

Black ski mask was surprisingly not angry though. He had quickly changed his entire mood. "Congratulations, you're our first winner." Black ski mask got up and walked over to Kyle. "You may go back to your spot." Black ski mask gestured beside me, and then spoke loudly so everyone could hear. "I do not break my promises, if you beat us then you will not be killed."

I saw Kyle relax a bit, as he sat down beside me, but I still didn't trust this guy. For he had just killed a little child and her mother without feeling any remorse. This guy was clearly not human, he was a monster.

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