Chapter 8

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Vendetta turned away from me and sat down in the other chair.

I was quite terrified. If I lost I would end up in the growing pile in the corner of the room, but if I won I might still end up there. They had kept their promise so far for Kyle, but I have no idea how long that will last for.

I held on to the controller like a lifeline and looked down at it. I remember Josh pressing the trigger and moving the two sticks around. My breathing started to become quicker and my heart sped up, as I realized there were two triggers. I could feel a panic attack coming, and I was most likely going to die.

"First person to get three kills wins." Black ski mask said.

I looked up at the TV that was in front of me. It had started the countdown, but by three this time.

Three, two, one.

When it finished the countdown I moved the left stick forward, which made my little character move forward. After a few seconds of this, I realized the left stick was for moving and the right stick was for moving the camera around. The green A was to jump and the right trigger was for shooting. I found it not as hard as I thought it was going to be.

There was a small map in the top corner of the screen, it showed that the map was pretty small. I also found that the way the TV's were set up, Vendetta and I both knew exactly where each other were, all we had to do was look over at each other's screens. The people with masks obviously had an advantage over us, but they also had the masks, which seemed hard to look through.

I made a mistake and turned a corner. I got absolutely demolished. Vendetta shot me, which killed me and made my character reset.

My hands started to get all sweaty, and my breathing quickened even more than before.

When my character reset, I walked forward and concentrated even more. Before turning one of the corners, I took a quick peek over at Vendetta's screen. He was positioned staring right at the place I was going to be, with a sniper. I had no idea what to do.

I took a deep breath before moving the stick forward.

Vendetta completely missed his shot, so I moved closer and shot randomly. I was shocked when I killed him.

The next round was quite similar to that last one, but Vendetta killed me this time. All he needed was to kill me one more time and he wins, and gets to kill me in real life. I started shaking again, which made things way harder for myself.

The round after that one, I did my best and once again, I surprisingly killed him. Now this was going to be the last round, the round that decides my fate. Black ski mask and most of the other people in masks came forward and were basically breathing down our necks. I looked over to see that Vendetta was at the edge of his seat.

I moved the stick forward, and just before going around the corner, I took another glance at Vendetta's screen. He was in the same position when I had killed him the first time, and like last time, I sprinted forward. His sniper bullet just grazed me, and I did the same thing as before. I ran towards him and shot him.

I heard clapping and cheering coming from behind me. I turned around, with my ears ringing, to see that Kyle was the one making all the noise.

I could tell Black ski mask must have been furious, for he walked right over to Kyle and slapped him in the same area that his bruised eye was. Kyle crumpled back to the ground, clutching his swollen eye.

"What the fuck was that." Black ski mask asked, turning towards Vendetta.

Vendetta reached down and took the controller out of my hands before gesturing to his mask and replying. "I can't see out of this thing."

Black ski mask stared at Vendetta for what seemed like forever before walking over to me and grabbing me by my hair. I let out a small yelp of pain as he dragged me over to Kyle. Once there, he threw me down to the ground hard. Kyle took his hand away from his eye and grabbed my hand. With my other hand I reached up and rubbed the spot where Black ski mask almost ripped all my hair out.

"Well then, congratulations. You won." Black ski mask said to me.

I sat there, still rubbing my head, not feeling like a winner at all.

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