Chapter Eighty Seven

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A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter! Thank
You for reading.

It felt like a dream at first. Correction. She thought she was dreaming until her eyes flew open and she caught sight of someone with their hand wrapped around her throat.

"The Power Broker sends their regards." The male said with a thick Russian accent. "Hail. Hydra."

Hail Hydra, those were words she had not heard in years. Catherine's hands reached up to try and pry the persons hands off her throat, but she had no strength in her. Her abdomen was screaming in pain as she fought against him. This guy was going to kill her if she didn't think fast. She reached next to her for anything and felt for the phone. She grabbed it and smashed it over his head, distracting him momentarily.

Her body didn't want her to get out of the bed, but she had no choice. She was pulled out of the bed by her hair and thrown to the floor. She felt his foot connect with her stomach and she screamed in anguish. His foot connected with her body again and then she felt his fist hit her face. If she hasn't been injuries she knew she could take him, but she had nothing in her. She could feel the stitches in her wounds ripping. She was sure blood was dripping from her face. And the baby. She didn't want to think about it.

A voice inside of her head was yelling for her get the hell up. She balled her fist up and sent it colliding with the guys throat. She shoved him off of her and she scrambled to sit up. She reached up with a shaky hand and ripped the IVs out. The last thing she needed was to give this guy an advantage.

Catherine didn't care how bad her body hurt. She didn't care that she could feel the blood trailing down her leg. She just didn't want to die. She had fought too hard. She twisted around, kicking the guy as he stood up. He went back only inches. Again, she punched him and kicked him until his body collided with the glass window. The window shattered around him as he went through it. She swore for a minute that he would was going to turn around and finish his mission. He didn't. Instead he ran off.

A sob wrecked through her body as she collapsed to the floor. She could hear shouts, but they all sounded muffled. All she could hear was the sound of her heart pounded as she curled up into a ball. She felt hands against her, shaking her but she didn't react. She just closed her eyes, wanting to escape the hell.

"What the hell happened!" Bucky yelled as he stormed into the hospital. He needed fucking answers. He needed answers as to why someone was able to get into his wife's hospital room and beat the hell out of her without anyone noticing.

Dr. Raynor stood from her seat and stopped Bucky. "James, let's not make a scene."

"Are you kidding me right now?" He asked baffled. "Let me guess, they called you in case I lost control? Huh? My wife. My...Catherine..." his voice broke.

"Your wife needs you. We can deal with the lack of security later." Dr. Raynor attempted to deescalate the situation.

Bucky looked down, trying to calm himself. The last thing Catherine needed was him pissed off. She needed him, his love, support and comfort more than anything right now. He gathered himself together before walking into her room. He stopped dead in his track when he saw her. Her face looked utterly shattered. As if everything came crashing around her.

Her hair was a tangled mess. Her bottom lip was swollen and split in an area. She had a bandage covering a small part of her forehead with a purple bruise sneaking out of the bandage. Her face had been stained with tears, rightfully so. He didn't know what to say. There were never the right words for something like this.

He walked to her side slowly and Catherine barely acknowledged him. He took her hand and leaned over to kiss her forehead softly. "Catherine..."

She looked up at him with the same heartbroken eyes he had seen before. "The baby..."

Bucky shook his head, trying to hold himself together. "It's okay. You're...okay. That's what matters to me."

"You were so happy." Her voice shook, shattering his heart.

"Catherine, you can' can't think about that. We're going to get through this. You know why? Because you are the strongest person I know." He whispered. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Catherine swallowed dryly. "I just woke up to someone try to choke me. He was male, Russian. He told me that the Power Broker sends their regards and then he said...hail Hydra."

Bucky's whole body tensed. She could hear the sound of his metal arm tightening. He was ready to kill someone. "Hydra...that's what this is about."

"I don't if it is. Maybe we pissed off the Power Broker. I don't know. SHIELD is taking over the investigation though." She explained. "I hate this. Am I not allowed one second of peace in my life? You should have left me in that damn car. Maybe I would have frozen to death or something. It would have been better than this hell I'm living."

He never thought he would hear her utter those words. He couldn't even begin to imagine what she was feeling right now. She had lost. And lost. And lost. After a while, people got tired of losing. The only good thing in her life was Bucky and Will.

Her jaw clenched. "I'm going to find out who's responsible for this and I'm going to kill them myself."

"Catherine, you can't do that. There are laws we're suppose to follow." He tried to convince her. She was hurt, deeply and he knew she wasn't thinking straight.

"I've killed someone before without blinking an eye. I can do it again."

"That's a lie. I know you Cat. You aren't a killer." Bucky whispered.

He could see the darkness in her eyes. The confliction. The pain. She was fighting a battle in her head. "We're going to find out who did this Catherine. I promise."

"How is she?" Dr. Raynor asked as Bucky walked out of Catherine's room, needing air.

"She got attacked and had a miscarriage. What do you think?" Bucky told her.

Dr. Raynor looked at him surprised. "A miscarriage? I'm so sorry James. Maybe I can talk to her?"

Bucky shook his head. "I don't know. She's not in a good place. She's in pain."

"I've talked with her before. I know how her mind works. Go get some food. I've got her." She assured him.

"Okay." Bucky said softly.

Dr. Raynor tapped her knuckles against the door to catch Catherine's attention. "Hello Catherine."

"Oh dear God. Not you." Catherine groaned.

Raynor walked in and sat next to the agent. "Let's talk."

"I don't want to talk." She grumbled.

"You're acting like a child. Something you have in common with your husband and Sam. It reminds me of your first session when you left Hydra. You didn't want to talk, but by the end of the session you had opened up." Raynor explained. "I know you're hurting. You're probably think some dark thoughts right now, but Catherine you have to pull yourself together. This dark, solemn person isn't you."

She scoffed. "Maybe it's who I am now. Losing people does that to you."

"No. It's not. You're mourning and you're scared. Which is understandable."

Catherine was quiet.

"Why do bad things keep happening to me?" She asked.

"Because you are resilient Catherine. You may get hurt physically, but that hurt has never caused you to stray. Bad things happen to good people because they can take it. And you've taken it a lot." Dr. Raynor sat forward in her seat. "Here's what you're going to die. You're going to cry. Be angry. Mourn. However, you're going to heal. You're going to find the person who hurt you and then you'll be okay. Just like when you lost Phil and Tony and Bucky. You will be okay."

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