Chapter 29: Final Sacrifice

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Ash and Serena are now on the peak of the mountain, Saphira is crying in front of Ash and Serena, she asks, "Are you really going to do this? Papa? Mama? I don't want you to leave...I want to continue being with you..."

Ash frowns and gives Saphira a hug, "I know, Saphira. But this is your Papa and Mama's destiny, we don't want this as well, but we don't have a choice."

Serena says, "Saphira, can you promise us, after we are gone, your uncle Mark and aunt Lillie will take good care of you. Make sure you listen to them and don't cause them a lot of trouble..."

Saphira can only cry as they nod, the other five siblings and the members of Team Alpha are also frowning at the sight.

At the same time, Professor Cerise and Professor Kukui finished talking about their plan, and Sawyer says, "So let me get this straight, so Ash and Serena are going to kill themselves to change the world for the better?"

"That is right." Professor Cerise says with a frown. "The 18 Infinity Gem can fulfill wishes for those who gather them. They split six groups to find the gems, meaning that they can fulfill six wishes. There are more members of Team Alpha, but six is the maximum because their energy can be drained that much before death."

"Can you tell us what they have wished?" Trip asks.

Professor Kukui says, "Ash wishes to return all the destruction and the warzones back to normal, a world where Pokemon can roam freely in all 8 regions."

"Does that mean our homes will be back to normal, and we can live a normal life again?" Miette asks.

"That is what Ash told us." Professor Kukui says.

At the same time, Ash and Serena each hold nine jewels in their hands, and they feel that their energy is starting to drain. Ash closes his eyes and he silently thinks of his wish, and the gems start to glow white as they create a giant pulse, the forest where leaves are fallen and the branches are destroyed have got back to normal, rubbles and stones are returning to roads and houses. Polluted Water has become clean, and the dead bodies are now turned to ashes.

Ash and Serena are tired, but they are still able to stand, Serena says, "Now who is next?"

Mark steps forward as he decides to tell his wish. Professor Cerise explains to the others and says, "Mark's wish is to kill off evil people like those traitors, and those people who have dark intentions in their hearts. Due to our darkness is being cleaned off, so we are not in their category."

"So those evil people are going to be gone?" Morrison asks, "I don't know why, but I think they deserve it."

"They do deserve it." Paul says, "They killed a lot of people and they are the reason why Team Alpha was formed in the first place."

Back in the cage, the traitors are still trying to get out of the place, but suddenly, they feel pain and they notice their bodies are starting to disappear.

"No! What is going on here!" Dawn yells. "Why are we disappearing!"

"I don't know...don't tell me that we are going to die!" Misty yells as the traitors are screaming in fear. But no one is going to save them as their bodies are disappearing, and then their hair, their ears, their mouths, their noses, their eyes, until their screams are nowhere as they are finally gone off the face of the earth.

Minami and the other siblings are watching through the camera, they see how the traitors are disappearing and they smile, they finally get their revenge on their mother and there are no more people like them going to hurt them. Ash and Serena are now drained with more energy, and Serena says, "Ash...I am scared...I don't think I can do this..."

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