Chapter 2:Love Hurts

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After carrying Serena and Gary to the Team Alpha's Base located in the Mt. Silver, he gathers the rest of his siblings, along with the Legendaries Darkrai and Xerneas.

"Xerneas, do your work." Xerneas nods and it glows, breaking them free from the stone. Before Gary and Serena can realize anything, Ash asks Darkrai to use the Dark Void, sending them into a nightmare.

"Insey, tell Professor Cerise to prepare for the transforming machine." Ash turns to Insey and says, "And then take Gary into it."

"What about Serena?" Insey asks. "Should she go as well?"

"No, I'll take her on the bed in my room." Ash says as he carries her to the bed, Ash is surprised that she weighs lighter than last time and he sighs.

Once he puts Serena carefully on the bed, Mark asks, "I don't get it, she hurts you a lot, why are you still doing this to her? Why don't you just kill her or transform her?"

Ash says, "I can't do it." This causes confusion to the siblings. Ash sits at the bed and says, "What she did is unforgivable, she cheated on other people. But I can't bear to hurt her, my feelings for her hasn't changed and it is going to affect me."

"Even after all of that? You still love her?" Trenor is surprised. Insey also comes back and reports to them that Gary is set. Ash nods and then he looks at the window. "Why is love being this confusing? Why couldn't I let go of her like what she did to me?"

The five siblings look at each other, and Insey says, "I think I could understand what he is feeling."

"Same here." Trenor says, "That is why we are going to make a better world, a world without hurt or conflict, no Team Rocket or other criminals, all of us can be happy."

The other three people nod in agreement, Ash says, "Guys, I want to be alone with this blonde haired traitor."

The five of them nod as they leave the room, Ash frowns at the sleeping beauty in front of her, who has been struggling in a nightmare as he clicks his tongue. He takes out Cresselia and then asks her to use Lunar Dance on her, making her comfortable for a while.

"Father? If you want her to have good dreams? Why did you need Darkrai anyways?" Cresselia asks in worry.

Ash says, "I am sorry, Cresselia. I have a little patience when it comes to this sort of them. Even though I vowed that I am not going to save a human, I still can't do it without my heart swaying..."

He then pets the Pokemon as he recalls her, then he decides to sit at the table waiting for her to wake up. But time after time, Ash feels sleepy and then he falls into slumber.

After a few minutes, Serena wakes up, only to find that Ash is sleeping at the table. The sleepy face he is making causing Serena to have both her heart fluttered and her face blushing red.

"Ash..." But she remembers that he tells Yveltal to use Oblivion Wing on her, she looks around and finds that the room is the same room where Ash is back in his house.

"Why I am here?" Serena thinks as she goes to the window, only to notice that all is now and there is nothing else. "What is this place..."

Ash yawns a little as he notices that Serena wakes up, judging by the curious reaction throughout the window, he decides to make a stern face, "So you are awake."

Serena turns around and faces him. "Ash, is that really you? I thought that you are really the leader of Team Alpha or something..."

"I am the Leader of Team Alpha, you are now our hostage." Ash says coldly.

Serena gasps as she can't believe it, the boy she loves is the leader of a group who tries to destroy the world. She plucks up the courage and asks, "Where did you take me? Where is Gary?"

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