D x JBM - Freeze (Recommendation)

232 11 10

Pairing: Darkiplier x JackaboyMan - Romantic

Recommended by: ChaoticGood08
He shouldn't have worked so late. That was always the problem.

So here he was, having accidentally left his keys in the office, locked outside of his own home. In the snow.

Snow was always a bad omen. At least for him. Cold and cold and cold.

He tapped his foot against the concrete ground of the porch. His magic never worked in the snow. He couldn't exactly just go back to the office and get his keys, either. Google was already on patrol.

He'd have to wait until it stopped snowing to unlock the door without the key.
He hadn't known it would snow so long.

Hopefully he'd end up without frostbite.
It was late at night. He knew nobody in their right mind would be out.

Not that it wasn't safe- he knew it was safe. It was his job to make sure it was safe.

Jumping from rooftops and trees, quickly making his way through the city, making sure all the lights of the houses were off.

There were a few stragglers here and there, mainly people that worked nights, and he let them pass before continuing, as not to be seen.
He found himself outside of a house, sitting on the roof of a porch, as he had noticing something shivering.

He had just assumed it was an animal with a neglectful owner.

He slowly made his way off of the roof and onto said porch, and upon closer inspection, realized that it was in fact not an animal, but a person.

Alarms went off in his head, and he crouched down.

"Hey, is this your house?"

He received a nod as response.

He picked up the person, and went to the door, and promptly kicked it off of it's hinges.
He looked up at the man that had found him, "Y-You're one of A-Anti's friends."

"Wow, uh, friends is a big overstatement." The man chuckled.

"Either way... What are you d-doing out this l-late? It's freezing."

"Could ask you the same question."

"I f-forgot my keys at my o-office."

"Hm. Well, I'm doing my job."

"A-Are you a construction w-worker? Why w-were you on my roof?"

"Same reason I was even able to help you. Just doing my job."

"Who... Who a-are you?"

"Jackie. My name's Jackie." The man, Jackie, offered out his hand.


"Wellll, Dark," Jackie hummed, "I still have work to do. Buuuut, you seem nice. Call me if you get the chance."

"I d-don't have-"

"Already got onto your phone. Saved my number there."

He turned to leave, "And maybe don't make every one of your passwords your dog's name?"
So... Sorry it's taken so long. And that it isn't as good as it could be. These two are really hard to write for some reason? -Mira

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