DocHost - I'm Here (Recommendation)

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Recommended By: KureikoJashinowa (I can't @ your name for some reason)
Ship: Dr. Iplier x The Host
Dr. Iplier carefully rewrapped fresh bandages around the Host's eyes, taking a deep breath. "Alright. That's all I have for today; I'll see you next week, okay?"

The Host took the duct-tape off his mouth quickly, a fountain of narration making it's way out of his mouth before he actually attempted to speak.

"The Host appreciates the Doctor's understanding about the eye issue, but Host would rather not have to have duct tape over his mouth during so."

Dr. Iplier sighed. "The narration is distracting; if I'm going to help you, I don't want to poke your eyes out."
"Host? I'm here for your bandage change." Dr. Iplier knocked on the other's bedroom door again. "You there?"

He sighed, opening the door anyway as he hugged his bag to his chest. "Host?"

All the lights were off, except for a lamp on the Host's desk, next to his microphone.

Dr. Iplier often looked through the Host's notes, the other often didn't mind, and this would be no different, right?
"The Host offered the flower to the doctor, smiling. Though he doesn't understand why the doctor suddenly became so serious about their relationship."

The doctor didn't say anything, except hand the Host a folded note. "Keep track of your love letters next time."
I have discovered I suck at writing DocHost.

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