Dark and Anti - Mirror Image (Recommended)

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Recommended by: @gay_mustache_demon
Ship: Dark and Anti, platonic
Other: Dark is female in this.
Dark looked in her closet, eyes landing on her only dress. It was Celine's, and it hurt to get on, but that was usually alright. What wasn't alright was that it was happening today.

She had agreed to head to a party with Anti and a few other egos, and he would be here to pick her up any minute. She couldn't deal with the struggling right now!

Staring at the dress, something sparked in her. She was Celine, so why didn't the dress fit?! Celine could get that stupid dress on in two minutes flat!

Nevertheless, she took it off the hanger and began the fifteen minute struggle that was sure to happen, due to her slightly disproportionate body.
What she didn't plan for, however, was Anti's early arrival. He had decided to abandon the idea of driving that day, not wanting to deal with the traffic.

So when he simply warped into existence in Dark's living room twenty minutes early, she'd only had about five minutes to struggle with the dress.

"Dark?" He walked through the house calling her name, before stopping at her bedroom door. "Dark? You in there?"
Her blood ran cold. This was not the plan. This was the exact opposite of her plan. He wasn't supposed to be here yet.

"Yeah!" She choked out. "J-Just a few minutes!"

"Well, hurry up." He scoffed, walking away.
After two minutes, he'd get back up, ask if she was done, badger her about her speed, before walking away.

After this happened about four times, she completely broke down. She curled up on her bed in defeat, wrapping herself in a blanket.

With no response to his question, Anti barged into her room. "You do realize we don't have forev-" he paused when he noticed the crumpled mess of a woman on the bed.
It took a while for Anti to get her into a state where she could talk, and even then it was barely close to understandable. All he could understand was that she was upset about the dress.

"Can you tell me why you're upset about the dress?"

"It- it doesn't- fit!" She managed between sobs, her eyeliner blurring her vision.

"Okay, well, uh..." he closed his eyes, trying to think. "Put something else on."


"We're getting you a new dress, okay? Besides, that one you always wear is old and falling apart anyway. Not to mention that whenever you move, it looks like you can't breathe."

Dark sniffled. "But the party..."

"It's fine. Besides, Marvin is probably already drunk and I don't need to deal with that today. Get in something that you can wear and write down your measurements. We'll leave when you're done."

Dark gave a small smile. "Thank you..."

"Don't. It's the least I can do. I should've been more patient, especially since I know how that dress is."

Dark could only nod, letting Anti out of the room before she stood up. Anti was right. It did hurt to breathe when she moved in this dress.

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