All- Bad Jokes. (Recommendation)

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This was recommended by @Charasite21!

Ships: None/All, platonic.
Dark looked at the others around the table, his shell cracking slightly, due to all the tension.

After Bim had called Wilford a few.... certain words, nobody had dared to speak, and Dark had to make a mental note to write down that Host could, in fact, stop narrating.

He sighed, catching the attention of everyone around him, and cracked his neck, mumbling something under his breath that even he thought he'd never say.

"A girl came up to me yesterday."

No words. In fact, it only seemed to make the tension worse. And Dark, for once, wasn't enjoying being the center of everyone's attention.

With a swallow, he continued. "She said she recognized me from her vegetarian restaurant."

Greeted with only more silence, Dark was about to give up. When he lifted his eyes from the floor, however, he could see the face across the table. Wilford had started smiling. Dark looked around to see if anyone had hurt themselves, he turned to his left, only to realize that Google had been recording the whole thing.

"Well? What happened?" Wilford asked, tilting his head, with that stupid grin still on his face.

Dark closed his eyes again, trying to remember the joke that Bing had told him so many times. What if he couldn't get it right?

He took a deep breath, and finished it. "I told her it wasn't possible. I had never met herbivore."

Dark waited for something, anything. Any reaction.

He did something bad, didn't he? Why did he try this?

He was so caught up in his own head that there was a held in laugh across the table. Then another, less hidden one from Wilford.

Dark didn't look up until he felt the hand on his shoulder. He looked up, seeing a...Worried? Dr. Iplier.

"What do y-"

"You're shaking." Dr. Iplier muttered, pointing at Dark's hands.

He was, in fact, very much shaking.

He looked around, seeing nearly everyone laughing now.

He smiled.

Maybe his jokes weren't so bad. He'd have to ask Bing for more.

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