Darkstache - Poor Baby.

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I'm a sucker for ABDL Dark for some reason- it's just cute ok- let me have my f u n
Wilford sighed as he practically dragged Dark through the store, making sure he didn't pick up everything he could reach.

Dark, being feverish and tired, was having none of it. He already didn't feel good, why did he have to be walking around so much? He was going to fuss because he wanted to fuss, dang it. 

So when he started sobbing, kicking, and screaming, it was of no surprise to Wilford. He knew that things would go bad as soon as he woke Dark up from his nap, but he needed the medicine! What was he supposed to do, leave him alone to tear the entire house apart?

Wilford frowned and picked Dark up the minute he started biting, swatting his nose gently. "Are you kidding me?! You know better than this!"

Dark just crossed his arms and kept trying to kick at him, making Wilford roll his eyes.

"That's it. You're going in the car." He huffed, muttering something to one of the store's employees, before carrying the shocked little outside.
As he buckled Dark's seatbelt, he took off his jacket and put it over him as a makeshift blanket.

Dark became a mess as soon as he was in the car, practically boxing Wilford as he tried to get out. He was crying and complaining, screaming for Wilford to pick him up, all while fumbling around with the seatbelt to try and unbuckle it.

Wilford was resilient, however, and closed the door of the car without a second thought, walking off to finish the shopping.
By the time Wilford was in the checkout line, he was biting his bottom lip as guilt pooled in his stomach. It'd taken longer than he intended; almost twenty minutes. He'd never left Dark alone in mindset for that long before. Maybe he should've had a bit more patience...after all, Dark did currently think he was a toddler.
By the time he was outside, it had almost been half an hour, and he practically ran back to the car.

He could see it from almost ten feet away; Dark leaning against the door of the car, trying to get it open. He seemed exhausted, but it could probably be explained by the eyeliner stains down his face.

Wilford unlocked the door of the car, seeing his jacket discarded, and the little looked up at him.

"Up..." He muttered gently, his voice a wreck.

Annnnd there's the guilt.

Wilford sighed. "We have to go home, Darky, remember?"

When they were home, Dark demanded to be picked up again, and Wilford happily carried him back inside.
Getting him to take the medicine was difficult, why wouldn't it be? He either wouldn't open his mouth, and the rest of the time, wouldn't close it. It seemed that the minute it was in his mouth, it was out again. He eventually got him to swallow it, but it was nearly four by then.

They got home at two.

As soon as he realized he had swallowed the medicine, Dark began fussing again, to which Wilford promptly shut him up with a pacifier.
When Dark wasn't napping, he was either playing quietly, following Wilford around and abusing him with stuffed animals, or make scribble lines he called drawings like "people" (worms), "horses" (worms) and his personal favorite, "dragons" (three-headed worms).

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