Fever: Darkstache

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It was another usual day for the Markiplier egos, at least...for all but one.

Dark was slowly losing focus on the happenings of the meeting that was going on. He felt extremely tired, and he had only woken up about five hours ago. He was only half consious at the minute; his eyes had fallen half closed.

-5 minutes later-

Wilford looked at the male at the other end of the table. Wilford could tell something was up; Dark seemed out of it today, and was currently just resting his head on his hand. His head was down, with his hair falling over his face.

So Will tried to get Dark's attention back to the meeting, and quickly knocked his hand on the table top.

Dark's head went up quickly as he snapped back awake. He had fallen asleep without realizing. Wilford's gaze went from annoyed to concerned in a matter of seconds.

"Darky, are you feeling okay?" The pink man asked, now leaning against the table.

"Of course." Dark replied; his voice echoed like it always did, only this time, he was quieter then he usually was.

Will gave one last confused look, as if searching the other, before nodding and returning to the issue they were perviously discussing.

However, Dark almost immediately fell back asleep. He had put his arms on the metal folding table and rested his head on them. And the world faded again.

"Um....Wilford? We have a minor issue." A robotic voice spat out from the back of the room. Wilford turned his head to the table again, seeing the Android pointing to the unconscious grey ego.

Will shook his head slightly, and looked at the bot. "Thank you for informing me of the issue, Google."

The Android just nodded, and asked if he should wake the second - in - command.

"That will not be nessasary, thank you. The meeting is going to be continued later today. You are all dismissed for now."

All the other egos present fled the room, greatful that they were able to leave without being shot.

Wilford walked over to Dark, and just looked at him for a moment. His suit jacket and hair were messed up, not normal for the near-perfect ego.

When Wilford tried to tell Dark to wake up, it didn't work like it had earlier. However, when Will went to SHAKE the ego awake, he noticed something very wrong.

Dark was warm.

That wasn't normal for Dark because he usually felt like he was a few seconds away from freezing to death, and Wilford knew that.

Will softly shook Dark's arm, and the grey ego woke up slowly. He tiredly looked up at the cotton-candy-psycopath with his eyes still half closed.

"W-Will...? What... What happened?"

"I was expecting you to tell ME that, you know. I had to postpone the meeting until later because you fell asleep." The older hissed, rolling his eyes.

Dark just looked down at the ground in shame; he promised himself he wouldn't let it happen.

"Dark. Look at me."

The grey ego looked up, still upset.

"Dark, earlier I asked you if you were alright. Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't l-lie...."

"I know you aren't well. You were burning up!"

Dark once again looked at the ground, and let out a soft yawn, hoping Will didn't hear.

He did.

"I'm taking you home; you need to rest." Wilford said, after scooping Dark up into his arms, much to Dark's disagreement.

"W-Will...I... I'm fine..." Dark mumbled, hoping to change the older ones mind.



"DARK-" He tried once more to get Dark to listen.

"No. I-I don't wanna g-go back to b-bed!" Dark whined. He was beginning to feel sleepy again...

Wilford knew, and began to pet the youngers hair while he carried Dark out of the room, making Dark come up with this cute little yawn and burying his face in Will's shirt.

Wilford chuckled softly at Dark's actions, and teleported them both to Dark's room right down the hall.

(Dark's POV)
This is just embarrassing....I shouldn't need help...I should be fine...WHY AM I LETTING HIM CARRY ME EVERYWHERE?!

This is a bit too much, but Wilford isn't listening to me...I wish my throat didn't hurt like it does.

I can tell Will thinks if he's lucky and plays his cards right, I'll end up falling asleep in his arms.

I may be tired, but I'm not THAT tired...

I...I.. I'm not......That.... Tired....


(Wilford's POV)
I looked down at the small male in my arms and smiled. I slowly laid him down in his bed and snapped my fingers, making a wet washcloth appear over his forehead and his suit jacket move off of him and on to the desk next to the bed.

I pulled the covers over him and started petting Dark's hair again. He relaxed slightly, and continued sleeping.

I turned off the light and left Dark in his room so he could rest, going to the phone and calling Google.

"Hello. Google, relay message."

I heard a soft click from the other side of the connection. Google was recording.

"The meeting is not going to continue as I said it would. Instead, it will be postponed until next week. Dark has fallen under the weather and I must insure he gets well. Continue with work as planned until we return. Google and Host are to take me and Dark's place temporarily. Thank you."

Then there was silence.

"Recording complete. Message will be sent out to 15 people. Thank you." Google replied in his robotic voice.

I hung up the phone and walked into Dark's room again, waiting for him to wake up.

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