Dark, Host, and Google - We're here. (Recommendation)

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Recommender: @Skye_The_Dragon
Ship: Dark/Google/Host
Dark slammed the door of the apartment, hugging his arms to his chest, alarming his husband and fiance.

He paid no attention to the pair that were paused to look at him, storming to their room, muttering to himself.

"The meeting was supposed to last an hour, wasn't it? How is he back already?" The Android muttered, crossing his arms.

"The Host does not know, but he is concerned."
Google had lock-picked the door open in a matter of minutes, and barged into the room, the Host following after him.

Dark had faceplanted onto the bed, not even bothering to change out of his suit, turning his head to look at the pair.

"That took longer than expected. Bravo." He rasped, "You get to see me in despair. Proud of yourselves?"

Google sighed, walking into the room, the Host having already rushed to hold Dark in his arms.

"Give me a name and I'll rip him to shreds."

"No!" Dark pleaded. "It's just this once. He didn't think it would hurt me. All Bim did was laugh-"

"So it was Bim?"

"Shut up and listen! I don't normally react this way, give him a break."

"The Host believes that Dark is retaining information. The Host and Google cannot help Dark unless he tells us what happened."

"So much. Everything? It was a lot..." he mumbled sadly.

"If you tell us, we can help." Google assured, sitting on the bed with the other two.
I'm so, so sorry this took so long. I was stressed and then school started and then I couldn't write because I was more stressed-

I don't know if anyone still reads this book. I'll try to get requests done.

Your prompt was wonderful! But this was all I had before I fell off the face of the planet. Looking at it made me feel too guilty to continue it any further.

Again, I hope you like it. If you're still here after six months.

- Mira

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