Doogle - How can I help? (Recommended)

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Recommender:  @Gay_Mustache_Demon
Ship: Dark x Google
Other: Genderfluid!Dark (using they/them in this story)
Dark rapidly hit the refresh button, groaning.

"Work you stupid-" they growled, giving up on the refreshing and going to power it off instead.

As soon as it was off, hoping enough of their work had saved, they proceeded to throw their computer at the wall in a rage.

They then proceeded to stomp on it as soon as it hit the floor, the sounds of crunching underneath their feet music to their ears.

Google was drawn to them by the ringing- the high pitched noise from the other causing him to glitch out and his systems to stop.

"Dark, What're you doing?" He sighed, crossing his arms as he scanned the other's situation and now broken laptop.

"It wasn't- I couldn't get it to-" they growled, panting softly as they looked at the mess. "My stupid computer wasn't working!"

Google pulled Dark away. "No wonder it wasn't working, you broke it. And get away from that, you'll hurt yourself."

They frowned. "It was already broken! What part of 'it wasn't working' aren't you understanding?!"

"Alright, alright. Calm down. How can I help?"
They stared up at the box shamefully. They'd asked Wilford to put away their files, knowing full well that he'd put it on a higher shelf that they couldn't reach.

They'd never stoop so low as to use a step stool- that'd be embarrassing. It'd be equally embarrassing to ask someone to get it down for them. They'd just have to start over, they decided with a sigh.

"How can I help?"

They jumped, turning their head. Google stood in the hallway, but looked up at the shelf.

"Wilford put the box too high again?"

Dark sighed, but nodded.

"Here, let me help you." He chuckled lightly, walking over and carefully grabbing the box. "This what you wanted?"

Dark nodded again, and they took the box from him, holding it to their chest. "Thank you."

"It's not a problem; I'm here to help. That's what I was built for, after all."

Dark shot a smile at him, before walking away with their files, making a mental note to give Wilford a strong talking to about where he puts their things.

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