Danti-I hate you!

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The void was a scary place on it's own; completely black, with the ability to make a perfectly sane person with a clear conscience want to kill everyone around them.

What was scarrier, however, are the things that were currently fighting there. A glitch and a shadow.

"WHY DON'T YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS?! YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND ANYWAY!!!" The young glitch demon screamed loudly, holding a knife in hand.

The shadow didn't say anything; just simply continued to dodge the others attacks silently.

"ANSWER ME!!! YOU ALWAYS SCREAM, BUT THE ONE TIME I ASK YOU TO TALK YOU SHUT UP?!" Anti once again screeched at the other in a glitched tone.

The other just stared at Anti blankly, panting slightly from having to teleport to dodge so much. Then he spoke.

"I...I just wanted-"


"A-Anti...I didn't..."

"I HATE YOU!!!!!!"

That's when Dark broke. He couldn't take it anymore. Ink-black streams ran down his face at Anti's words. The glitch was shocked when Dark reacted that way.

Dark, after all, had always been emotionless and blank to Anti's hurtful comments. Why was he so upset about three words?

"Dark...? Are you... okay?"

No response.

"Dark? Come on... you know I didn't mean it."

"It sure as hell sounded like you meant it..." The suited male hissed, hard to talk from his chocked words.

Anti sighed, and just stepped closer to the taller male.

"C'mon, would I really say that about my best friend?" Anti remarked, rolling his eyes.

Truth is, it hurt Anti to say it just as much as it hurt Dark to hear it. He wouldn't admit that, but he was ashamed of saying it. After all, Dark just wanted to know if Anti was okay.

Dark looked at Anti weakly, then gave a small smile. Anti suddenly hugged Dark, making the shadow hiss in pain.

"Oh right...stab wounds..." Anti gave his usual glitched laugh and the friends left the void.

Why am I so bad at writing?!?!

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