Chapter 19

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We continued to take breaks here and there. My arms burned with every second but my freedom was depending on this so I kept paddling. Ella was still fast asleep thank god. I don't think either of us had the energy to explain what was going on. We had no idea where we were. It was just miles and miles of land and the ocean. She said to just keep doing straight until we got the land, so that's what we did.

I prayed the guys were still sleeping. I had no idea what was happening back at the house. They were pretty drunk so I hoped it had stayed that way. I was nervous since Liam was out looking for me. Thankfully Liz got him back inside.

I was just paranoid. They weren't looking for us. They were drunken idiots. They would never notice.

Liam's pov:
My arms were burning by the second. I felt the temptation of a break but I knew we couldn't afford one. I felt our pace begin to slow.

"How the hell did they get this far?" Ryan asks.

"I don't know. They must have left hours ago. They out smarted us you know. They got us drunk then escaped. I bet they had this planned all along. I can't believe I thought Avery was really falling for me. She seemed so happy about the twins. I was so excited to be a family. God I'm so angry with her right now."

"As you should be. I can't believe Emma left either. WITH MY DAUGHTER! She can't take Ella away from me! I'm going to kill Emma when I see her. God I'm so angry." He yells.

Our anger fuels us both and we begin to paddle faster.

Avery's pov:
The sun was beginning to rise. We could see the island finally in the far distance.
"We are almost there!" Emma exclaims.
"Oh my god we are going to get out of here! We are so close!"

Ella begins to move.

"Shit." I mumble.

Emma looks down and sees Ella stirring as well.

"Mommy? Where are we? I'm cold." She mumbles.

"Shhh it's okay baby we will be off soon."

"I have to go potty Mommy!" Ella begins to whine.

Emma and I both look at each other in a panic.

"Shhh honey go back to sleep. We will be there soon ok?"

"No I need to go now!" She whines again.

"Let's paddle over there to the little beach. We are close enough to the island we have time." I grin.

"Ok. We will be quick." Emma assures.

"I forgot what actual land feels like." I laugh.
"My arms are gonna be ripped after this." Emma giggles.

"Liz was right we would get here by morning. I bet they are just waking up now and realizing we're gone. Too late boys too late." I laugh.

"Avery......?" Emma gasps.


"I might be insane from the lack of sleep but you see them too right?"

From the distance I could see an orange inflatable boat coming our way. Oh my god. It was Liam and Ryan.

"Fuck!" I scream.
We both began to run towards the land. We needed to find help soon or we would both be done for. We run into the island. It's a bunch of small shops and stands. We run to the nearest stand.

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