Chapter 29

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My heart felt like it skipped a beat. He made a decision! I couldn't take him seriously though. He was a drunk idiot. What if he was just bullshitting me?

"Well?? What did you decide??" I shout eagerly.
He strokes his chin for a minute as if he is thinking. I hate him.

"Wellllll you can go to the hospital I guess." He puts a frown on his face.

"Wait really?! You're being serious?"

I hold my breath. I don't want to get my hopes up. What if he's just messing around. What if he's trying to punish me?

"Yes. We will take the big boat and I'll will accompany you on it. Since I cannot go onto the land with you Dr. Evans will be going with you. As much as it breaks my heart not to be there with you in labor, it's what is best for you and the babies. BUT, I will be staying on that boat very close to land so don't you think for a second that you will be able to get away. I have given Dr. Evans strict instructions to not leave your side for one minute. Even if you somehow do get away from him, don't even bother trying to escape. When I tell you there will be consequences Avery there will be consequences. I don't want to punish you but if I have to I will. Be smart about this. I'm warning you now." His face is stone cold.

I get the chills just looking at him. He always says there will be consequences but there never really is. He usually falls short. I will escape with my babies. I'll find away to break free from Dr. Evans. There's no way I'm going back to that island. I wish I could be escaping with Emma and Liz but I will send help for them. I need to get us all of this island and to put them away in jail for good. I also felt a sigh of relief knowing Liam wouldn't be there while I delivered. I didn't want him anywhere near Wren and Liliah. I didn't want his bad influence seeping into their tiny little minds. I didn't even realize until my hand was wet.

Tears had been streaming down my cheeks.
"Thank you Liam." I give him a genuine smile.
In a sick way, this has to be the nicest thing he has ever done for me.

He gives me a nod and takes another sip from whatever he was drinking. I can't help but roll my eyes. He never used to be like this. I didn't like it. It scared me for when Wren and Liliah would be born. Would he act like this around them? He interrupts my thoughts.

"Remember I am always one step ahead of you Avery. You can't outsmart me. I am serious about not trying to escape at the hospital. It really won't end well for you. I am trying to warn you I don't want to see you hurt but if I have to teach you a lesson I will." He slurs.

"Alright, alright. I heard you the first time." I snap.

"I am doing you a favor here. You could be a little nicer." He grins.

"Alright you're done with this." I walk over to him and attempt to take is drink.

"I am not finished." He grabs my wrist.

"Liam you have had enough. You are drunk. You are making a fool of yourself. Enough is enough. You can't be like this when the kids come." I snap at him and take it away.

He just throws himself back into the couch. I dispose of the drink in the sink and throw the cup with it. 

I go up to Wren and Liliah's room. 

I go into Liliah's room. It was almost finished but it was missing a few things. I take the paint and open it up. 

Probably about an hour passes and I am just finishing up. 

"There you are." 

I jump.

"Gosh Liam you scared me." I put my hand to my chest.


I can tell he is still drunk but a little better.

"Woah did you do that?!" He exclaims.

"Yeah. Do you like it?" i ask nervously. 

Why does it matter anyways? I don't care what he thinks. I don't even know why I painted them anyways we wouldn't be coming back here.

"They look beautiful. I didn't know you could paint." He smiles.

"Yeah, something I picked up when we moved to Utah.." I trail off. 

I had painted little flowers on one of the walls.

"I need different color's for Wren's room. I was going to paint some trees and stuff." I smile.

I knew they wouldn't be staying in their rooms but I didn't want Liam to get suspicious. I couldn't wait to see Emma on Christmas and tell her that Liam finally agreed to going to the hospital. It was still a few weeks until I got to see her again. I felt like I was being grounded by my parents. Like I was a child. Well I am being kept prisoner by Liam. 

"Anything you need sweetheart." He wraps around from behind. 

I try not to run in disgust. I couldn't mess up. What if he got angry and changed his mind? I don't think he would now that he knows the risks but still its plausible and I couldn't risk it.

"I'm really sorry Av." He spins me towards him.

There was a lot he could be apologizing for.

"What about." I look down at my bump.

"Do you think I drink too much?" He forces me to meet his eyes.

I bite my lip out of nerves. Was this a trick question?

"I don't know.. sometimes. When you do drink, you drink too much. You don't know when to stop. You usually do it when you're angry. I don't like it. It scares me." I frown.

"Av, I am sorry. Really sorry. I don't mean to scare you. It was just that day.. you know on our honeymoon when you got really drunk. Something switched inside of me. I just felt anger. Then i got drunk too and I don't know I guess it become an outlet to turn my anger to when I am upset with you." 

"You were drunk when you raped me Liam. Now I am carrying two children. Can you see why I don't like when you drink?" I snap. 

I held that thought with me every day. It was something I could never forget. The thought that made me feel sick to my stomach sometimes. I tried my best not to think about it but sometimes it was hard not to. I try to put a somewhat postive outlook on it. I am having Wren and Liliah. My beautiful little fighters. I will fight like hell for them. I never want them to experience this. I never want them to know who their real dad is. Chase will be their dad. What an actual dad should be like. They don't need to know who Liam is. I won't let them. 

I suddenly felt too much anger at Liam to stand there anymore and make small talk. I stormed out of the room and into the bedroom. He called after me.

"Av wait!"

"No! I am not talking to you when you're like this! Get your fucking shit together and then we will talk. Don't you dare come into this bedroom tonight. STAY OUT!" I slam the door and leave a drunken Liam standing in the hallway.

Sometimes I lost my voice. But I was not going to let him take it anymore. He took too much from me already. I am strong. I can do this. Liam will no longer take anything from me.

So he made a decision!!! Yayy!! He was actual smart about it lol. Avery is done putting up with his shit! I hope you liked this chapter! So sorry I didn't upload yesterday!! omg omg I have been so excited to tell you guys. What do you think about this? After this book is done I'll make a book and it will be Wren and Liliah's povs and a few more people's that I cannot yet disclose because I don't wanna ruin this book(; Would you guys like that?? I was going to have this book be the last of this series but I am too attached to the characters and love this story line lol. Let me know what you think and what you thought of the chapter!!

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