Chapter 31

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I had woken up fully expecting Liam to be lying in bed next to me. I was shocked to find he wasn't. He probably was just already downstairs. I would be shocked if he had actually listened to what I had wanted. I had gotten ready and was fully prepared to rip his head off. Yell my heart out at him. The way he looked at me. Something was telling me. Wait. Wait to see what he is going to say. Then I could decide when to let loose on the trigger. What he had said shocked me. It should've engulfed me with rage but it didn't. The fact that he was okay that I was angry. He was letting me heal. Of course with the intention I would fall in love with him which would never happen but still. Something about that conversation. The fact he had actually apologized instead of trying to cover his sorry ass. Something had felt different. I hoped this would change things. That he would stop drinking out of anger. I hoped he had learned his lesson. I was still too afraid to ask about going to the hospital. What if he changed his mind? He was drunk when he told me. What if he was just doing it to be "funny?" When he kissed me I shocked myself by kissing him back. I don't know what came over me. He was actually being nice for once. I let myself believe it would stay. I knew I was a victim of rape, abuse and being kidnapped but I just wanted for one second to forget that. As I had said to myself before, this way my new reality. I lost hope long ago that I would be found. So why not play the fantasy for just a little? I was going to escape after giving birth. So why not enjoy the last of my stay here? Make it comfortable for myself. No need to stress myself anymore than I have been. It was like a wave of relief hit me when I decided that. He wanted to work on Wren and Liliah's room. I pretend to be excited. I couldn't let on that I wasn't. I didn't want him to be suspicious. He "warned" me not to escape or try to. I wasn't afraid of his empty threats. He had already hurt me enough. There was nothing more he could do.

Later that day as we put the bassinets together I pretended I was excited about their rooms. Really of course I was just excited to escape in a few short months. Liam was being extra nice and loving today. I know he is trying to suck up to me after all that had happened. I longed to see Emma, to tell her my plan. I didn't want to leave her in the dark. I needed her to know of course I would be coming back to get them. I wish I didn't have to wait until Christmas. It still felt so far away. It was only a few weeks but it had been forever since we have got to see each other. Liam was being sweet to me. Why not ask him again if I can see Emma. Worse he can do is say no. I have nothing else to loose.

"Hey Liam?" I flutter my eyelashes and give him a fake smile.

Why not suck up a bit?

"What's up pretty?" He smiles.

I felt a pang of sadness. I missed Chase so much. God I wished it were his children. I still was terrfied for when we would reunite. Would he hate me for delivering Liam's children? Would he love them? They were my babies. I wasn't going to get rid of them. They are the only things getting me through this awful situation. It is my duty to protect them. If Chase doesn't understand that then I will find someone that does. 

"Well you know I was just wondering if maybe we could see Ryan, Emma and Ella a bit earlier? I know you said not until Christmas.. it is just a miss them a lot." I look down and frown. 

I hope this will win him over. 

"Funny you ask Av." He laughs.

I feel a beacon of hope. Does that mean I get to see them?? I instantly perk up.

"I called Ryan this morning about it. Before you came down. I wanted to see them. I missed Ella and I knew how much you wanted to see Emma and Ella. He still didn't think it was a good idea. He still wants to wait until Christmas. I really tried Avery. I did." He looks down.

What if he was lying? He could've just said that he called. I don't know how much I trust it. 

"I totally would have said fuck it and went over there today Av. I would. But you know with Christmas coming up I just don't think it's the best idea. I want us all to have a good Christmas together.  I am afraid it will put a feud between us and I don't want that to happen. Please I promise I will make it fun here you and I. Christmas is just around the corner. Don't you worry my love." He places his hands in mine and kisses my cheek.

I didn't trust him. He was lying. I just knew it. 

I am sorry I know this chapter is a bit shorter than usual. Hope you guys liked it though!! Sorry again have just been really stressed lately /: Comment and vote what you guys think!! Thank you so much for reading it really makes my day!!

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