Chapter 20: Thebes of Seranet

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        The sound of banging horse hooves caught Evie, the campers, and the counselors' attention. King Benjamin cantered into the meadow. John followed him from behind. He still couldn't fly, so he just jogged with the horse.

Ben pulled back on the reins when he reached Mateo and his group members. He looked regal sitting on Joey.

Everybody dropped to their knees.

Mateo gave Ben a slow nod. "Buenos dìas, Ben."

"Buenos dìas," Ben said back. He rubbed his palm across Joey's long neck.

"What are you doing here?" Mateo wanted to know.

Ben hopped off his horse. He ran his fingers through his mane. "Well, as king, I have to grant my subjects' concerns. Your mom and Maria asked me to look out for you today."

"Aw, sick!" Ashlynn blurted out. "Not only do we have the most handsome man in the whole camp; we're also going to help the king! This is truly a magical day for the Never-Ending Rangers!"

Evie and the rest of her group members gave her a funny look.

"What?" Ashlynn said. "It's the truth."

Mateo let out a heavy sigh. Were Maria and his mom really that worried about him? Since when did they think he couldn't handle a little mission by himself? "All right, Ben, I'll let you tag along," he said. "However, this is my job, and I would like to teach the kids myself. I need some practice for the baby." Just thinking about fatherhood, he shivered.

"Oh, don't worry," Ben replied behind a cheesy smile. "I'll be quiet."

Would he, though? He loved adventures.

Ms. Julie grinned. "All right, then." She faced the campers and clapped her hands together. "It's time for the first lesson."


The groups broke off from the main group. They each went to a different part of the Paperblank Forest. Evie and her friends soon found themselves trapped in an everlasting display of enormous trees.

Forest animals looked up from their meals, eyeing them carefully.

Ben and John led the way. Joey trotted like a dressage horse.

Ben took John to a cluster of purple flowers. Smirking, he dismounted Joey. The young king glanced at the bird and said, "Hey, John, these are Norin Flowers. They are said to be the best-smelling flowers in all of Pinta Country."

"Really?" John asked. He always liked smelling flowers. It was one of his favorite hobbies during spring and summer. Curious, he approached the cluster. John pushed his nose up against them. Right when he did, the flowers sprayed pollen in his face. It was both gold and purple.

"Ah!" John yelped. He ferociously flapped his good wing.

"Gotcha," Ben chortled.

John shook like a dog to get the pollen off. His feathers puffed out. He looked like he had gained twenty more pounds. "Oh, ha, ha, very funny," he told his friend.

Ben patted his back. "Hey, I'm just having some fun, and I'm trying to make an image for Mateo." He leaned in close to his friend's ear. "Remember, we're trying to show him the joys of young adulthood."

John inhaled deeply. "Well, if that's the case, then I guess it's okay."

Walking had never been so hard for Mateo. He struggled to breathe, so he rested his palm on a tree trunk. He gripped the shoulder strap of his blue and black hiking pack with his other.

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