Chapter 44: "Wrapped Up in Light"

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Song: "Transformation" - Alan Menken

        "Stop squirming! I'm trying to help you!" Evie moved John's injured wing back and forth a few times. She tugged out a few loose feathers. The tadpoles and frogs in the calm, rocky river next to them eyed them carefully. Evie was reminded of The Princess and the Frog.

John pulled his wing away from her. He was still overwhelmed with guilt and grief. He witnessed the basilisk murdered in cold blood. That would leave a scar on anybody. Its agonizing screeches and the blood squirting from its chest... John could not get rid of the horrifying image. And then Mateo. To Evie, he said, "I should be the one suffering. Not Mateo."

It was strange to see him not his joking self. Evie peered into his deep brown eyes. "What are you talking about?"

John again squirmed. He released himself and jogged away from Evie.

"Huh?" she asked.

John stopped next to a tall pine tree. Wing hanging limply down his side, he kicked a few cones away. He crushed seeds under his foot. John nervously ruffled his feathers. "Why hasn't the Union fired me yet?" he asked.

A gush of air told him that Evie had joined him. She rested her palm on his back. "What's bothering you, John?"

John sniffed. "Evie, I'm the reason why Mateo is so ill." He glanced at her. "Both he and I were assigned to that village of sickly elves. Me being my lazy self, I did absolutely nothing to help him. I made him take care of those villagers all by himself because I had just gotten a nice groom from Bird Central. I did not want to mess up my new look. I'm such a selfish crane."

John kicked the tree's trunk, but he stubbed his toe. "Ow, ow," he said, hopping around on one foot.

"Oh, so birds can become Pinta Rangers, too?" Evie asked. That was curious.

John put his foot down. "Any creature in Pinta Country can: centaurs, fairies, humans, werewolves, birds, elves, etc. Heck, we have the Bird Force in Loonier Country." He looked over his shoulder to Evie. "I became a ranger after Ben and I's journey. Except, it's kind of difficult for me to use the magic rope." He peered down at his skinny legs. "And sometimes my legs get in the way, too. But I still suffice. I haven't been working as much as Mateo, though."

Evie stood next to him. She tapped her fingertips together. "Why not?"

John inhaled. He lowered his long neck and softly answered, "Infinity."

"Infinity?" Evie had no idea what the crane was saying.

Looking nervous, he faced her. "She's my mate."

"Your mate?" Evie took a step back. It was a bit surprising to hear that John wasn't single.

He nodded. "Yes. Not so long ago, we hatched two little chicks–a girl and a boy. Infinity stayed in Loonier to take care of them. It's safer there."

"You're a daddy?" Evie was seriously so shocked. It looked like everybody was having babies now, even the animals. She would never understand love. Just the thought of what a couple had to do to make a baby sent shivers down her spine.

John chuckled a little. "I sure am. The Union wants me to prepare Mateo for fatherhood. They've assigned us quite a few missions together, both in the past few months, and some after we finish this one."

"Well then, there's your answer," Evie said. "Fatherhood is the reason why the Union hasn't fired you. Mateo needs you. Except, I don't think he's going to be well enough to do another mission after this one."

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