Epilogue: Miracle of Life

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Song: "Fall on Me" - Andrea and Matteo Bocelli

Two months later

        Mateo hated being sick. He thought he would be back on his feet by the time Isabella was born, but no. There he was–back in the hospital struggling to breathe. Tuberculosis was nasty. Why hadn't it gone away? It did not help when the doctor gave him alarming news: his chance of survival was low. He would never recover.

Death was imminent. Mateo knew that, but he wanted to hold Isabella at least once before he became one with nature. Therefore, he fought as hard as he could for her and Maria, but he was exhausted.

Mateo rested under his white hospital sheets and he flipped through the incredible amount of "Get Well Soon" cards he had. The sound of his heart monitor relaxed him. The cards came from Evie's family, his family, his friends at the Union, and children and people who idolized him as Ranger Anthony.

Dust found its way into the oxygen mask he wore. It tickled his nostrils, causing him to sneeze. He wanted to go home–he wanted to die there instead–but the doctors were not going to let him until/if his breathing improved. Mateo was scared that it never would. He thought about Maria to distract himself and set the cards down on his bed. He hoped that she was okay.

Mateo fiddled with his wedding ring, and then the Guardian's Ring. "Please be okay, Maria," he begged. He wished he could be there with her, but he was not strong enough.

A few minutes passed, and then he heard a knock at his door. It opened, revealing a young obstetrician. She looked like Evie with her long blonde hair and shimmering blue eyes. "Mr. Mateo, I have something for you," she said.

Mateo pushed himself to sit up. He propped his back against his pillows. "Is Maria all right?" he asked, yawning.

The doctor hesitated. "Well... she..." A smile crossed her youthful face. "She's just fine." With those words, she opened the path to the door.

Maria walked through the thin entrance, in a teddy bear-patterned hospital gown. She held a small, pink bundle in her arms.

"Congratulations, Mateo," said the obstetrician. "Your beautiful wife has given birth to a healthy baby girl."

Eyes widening, Mateo asked, "Izzy?"

Maria approached the side of his bed and sat down with him.

The doctor opened the white curtains in Mateo's room. Bright sunshine scanned both the floor and his bed. It felt warm to the touch.

Maria held the bundle out to Mateo. "Here she is, babe. Our little Isabella."

Mateo carefully took the bundle from her. One look at his child, and he grinned. It had been two months since he smiled like that. "Oh, Izzy," he whispered.

The tiny baby looked just like him. She had Mateo's tan skin and his and Maria's black hair. Maria had tied a pink ribbon around her head. She slept soundly, with her little hand under her chin. Her ears, like Mateo's, were pointy. Both she and Maria had small noses and poochie lips. Aside from Maria, she was the most beautiful thing Mateo had ever laid eyes on. Even more, he was her daddy.

Mateo cried up a storm. It was difficult to breathe through the sobbing, but he could care less. He just wanted to stare at Isabella forever.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Maria asked. "See? I told you that you would hold her."

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