1: Bridging the Gap

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It had been seventeen years since Wanna One took the throne in Hallyu. Everything had been good in their reign. Hallyu became more prosperous and established strong connections to other kingdoms, all thanks to the "One: The World" program of Wanna One. Wanna One, with the help of the Supreme Six and Twilight Triad, was ruling the kingdom as best they could.

"Are you really sure about this?" Minhyun asked to someone in particular among the crowd in front of them.

"Yes," the addressed person confirmed.

"And how about you, guys? Don't you have any objections at all?" Minhyun asked the crowd standing at his right hand side; his hand massaging his right temple.


"None at all."

Wanna One was now at the last stages of making the decision on the request of Disple Province to become an official colony of Hitbig Province. Mr. Han Sungsoo, SVT and Newest-W were standing on their right-hand side while Mr. Bang Sihyuk, Bulletproof Scouts and relatively young Hitbig squad, Texty, were standing on their left-hand side. This was the third negotiation attempt between Disple and Hitbig and it seemed that unlike the last two, they were able to be on the same page for once.

"I beg your pardon but did Mr. Bang threatened you again in some way?" Daehwi inquired.

"How could I? I'm still under the Seer's watchful eye. And besides, all my decisions and plans goes through Bulletproof Scouts and other Supreme Six members as well, except for you," Mr. Bang Sihyuk strongly denied.

"Daehwi!" Jinyoung stared at Daehwi in a reprimanding manner.

"I'm apologize for my insensitive question," Daehwi stood and bowed as an apology. Rather than their respective individual "rank number", Wanna One gives seniority according to age more importance.

"As member of the Supreme Six, we, the Bulletproof Scouts, assure the honorable Wanna One that nothing is made illegally or through force," RM assured. While Wanna One and Bulletproof Scouts were both current members of the Supreme Six, Bulletproof Scouts were addressing Wanna One formally as rulers of Hallyu in this situation.

"As member of the Twilight Triad, we, SVT, guarantee that everything is done out of free will," S.Coups seconded.

"Their memories back up their claims," Sungwoon mentioned.

"Their emotions as well," Jaehwan commented.

"Very well. Allow us to discuss amongst ourselves," Jisung stated.

The members of Wanna One stood from their thrones and met up in the middle of the pyramid; they were discussing in the middle of the stairs. Both parties were waiting for their decision, hoping for a positive response. And while everyone was thinking that they could have just remained seated on their thrones and use Telepathy for the deliberations, Wanna One didn't want to use their powers for petty tasks as much as possible.

"So, what's your opinion?" Jisung told his members.

"Let's think things through. Remember that if we allow this colonization, Hitbig will have three groups in both Supreme Six and Twilight Triad combined," Jihoon clarified.

"I'm from Disple but I am a little skeptical," Minhyun honestly said.

"Well, if that's the case, we should at least provide some limitations on how the colonization should work. We have done it in other cases before," Sungwoon suggested.

"And so far, all of their proposals were fine. I don't see anything wrong with it," Kuanlin pointed out.

"The Bulletproof Scouts and SVT had already given us their assurance. I think we should trust them on this," Jinyoung looked at the aforementioned groups.

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